Initially, I thought this was a backlash, blowback, revenge . . . whatever you want to call it . . . type of attack against the horrific death and destruction that the globalist's hegemonic agenda is inflicting in Ukraine, Afghanistan, and throughout the Middle East region. It fit the MO: a low skilled attack involving a single person using a knife and/or a vehicle, usually with a low number of victims.
Then I heard the magic words, "ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack." That's a dead giveaway this attacker was doing the bidding of the CIA and FBI. I believe the attack was intended to look like a revenge type attack and not like a false flag, which are typically well planned and high carnage. The Barcelona attack in Spain was similar. Who benefits? The globalist agenda, of course.
You are being played people! The gov't lies pathologically and the TV news reports whatever the gov't tells them - lies, disinformation, propaganda, you name it. They know people believe what they see on TV.
Well, it seems he was only inspired by ISIS - no magic words. The globalist agenda still benefits.