The internet has recently been flooded with gruesome pictures of many black people that have been captured in Libya and are being kept as slaves. Slave trade is back in Libya, with a person being sold at about $400.
It is the 21st century, where racism is still one of the world’s biggest problems we are yet to solve but what makes it worse is to see others take back traditions of the past and instill them again. Being black in the past was a problem, you would be chained, beaten and whipped, forced to work in the farms with no payment and be fed leftovers by the said “Masters.” However, in 2017, we should not be worried about the same, wondering if this is the new fate that we are to live in.
What makes it more sad is how there is almost no coverage by the major news broadcasters in the world. Everyone is quiet about it, continuing life as though this is not happening.
The whole world should stand together and fight the evil that has come back to haunt us. This is no way to live. Just as we stood for France, Manchester, Texas, Puerto Rico, let us also unit and say no to SLAVE TRADE.

This pictures are so disgusting! How do people like this still exist!?!?
I feel disgusted. Shame on us