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RE: CONFIRMED! The Absolute SCIENCE Behind MASKS And The PROOF THAT THEY DON’T WORK with Denis Rancourt!

in #news5 years ago

Really sunlit7? Cases are rising? When we count more, the numbers go up. Pretty simple. On any given day, we have no idea how many cases actually exist out in the community, since not everybody can be tested on the same day. Simply testing more from day to day, and collecting more data, does not mean cases are rising. Existing total cases may, in fact, be falling, but we are physically incapable of knowing that. Add in the 'gamed' methodology of counting what is a case -- PCR vs serology vs suspected -- and we are in a complete fog.

Of course, actually thinking these obvious considerations over is completely lost on the bewildered herd, itself frightened of absolutely nothing more than the seasonal flu. Sadly, this is leading us all down the path to life-long slavery and state-forced compliance to a way of life designed for and by the predator class.