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RE: Trump Exits Iran Nuclear Deal

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Hey @unknown9001
Sorry I wasn't implying that you are stuck in the paradigm, blindly following Trump or anything else...

But I am highly critical of basing our support for something based on the fact that an elite supposedly is against it...

Who says or knows what they are for or against?

I can't pretend to ever be able to understand the mind of a Rockefeller, a Soros, a Gates, or really any billionaire-including old Trump.

I don't know how one gets their hands on a billion dollars but I assume if one is not a violent, psychopathic, murdering demon, one does not make it to 1 billion in a lifetime.

If I pocketed 10 million dollars after tax, and never spent a dime I didn't make back, it would take me 100 years to get a billion dollars.

1 billion dollars.

Yet most of these fortunes are made in time-spans significantly shorter than 100 years...

First of all, I can't quite envisage how I could make 10 million dollars profit in a year without so egregiously exploiting and manipulating people for my own gain...

I'm talking having tens of thousands of slaves making me 10-20 dollars of profit a day. That's the only way I can imagine making this sum of money by any definition of capitalism...

And that's assuming you are making your billion dollars by the book; without any cheating

So a George Soros kind of guy?

These guys all have incredibly complex and often secretive organizations backing them up and supplying them with everything they need to achieve their ends, make their bets, etc...

So to be somebody sitting at the top of an Empire, I prefer not to delude myself into thinking I know what these guys have been through, what they've seen, how they think...

Sometimes, I prefer even not to consider them human, because it's so alien from anything I've ever actually observed, or even sensed...

I've met plenty of millionaires in my life, and many of them seem to try to be emulating these characters... And you have to basically sacrifice your entire life in order to achieve "success" up to their ankle.

If it was broadcast on a television and went through a corporate editing room; I don't buy it.

Even if it's cellphone/camcorder footage of them; I'm skeptical to buy it

Let's not delude ourselves; these guys are the gods of our age... I'm not sure it has ever been proven or demonstrated that they are blood and bone like we are...

Can we pass a rule that says anybody with an estimated net worth of tens/hundreds of billions of dollars need to make a public appearance every year where a single pure-hearted 5 year old child randomly selected the day of the appearance will swab the inside of their mouth and perform a live DNA analysis, with results to be shared in real-time?

We simply just don't have eyes on these people... At all.

Conspiracy rant over lol

Otherwise sorry I really didn't mean to suggest any of those things, just that "George Soros seeming to like or not like, or fund or not fund something" should not be taken a sign of anything other than an agenda to make it seem like they are for or against something.

People voted for Trump because they thought it was not what the establishment wanted... But this is classic child psychology used to coerce an innocent being into doing something you want them to do, just by making them think it's not what you want them to do...

It's highly manipulative and it works


Its not the only thing I base an opinion on, does "Soros like a person?". I can only make opinions based on the information I have same as everyone else.

The establishment is not all powerful contrary to popular belief. They have influence not total control, if they did Steemit wouldn't exist. Their power comes from greed, hatred and ignorance of the masses. They use these 3 things to manipulate the population.

Take gun control for example, they know they will never take the guns away but it polarizes the population. Divide and conquer to keep the surfs distracted fighting each other. They have a lot of influence not total control.

I don't think they wanted Trump in power it was suppose to be Jeb Bush vs Hilary Clinton. Now plan B is to compromise Trump or trick him into doing what they want. They operate by manufacturing consent, if they fail get it they move to extortion, blackmail, distractions/false flags, etc.

If you do nothing with 10million it will take for ever to save 1 billion. Investing money gives a compounded return on investment. 7% ROI will double your money every decade. That is just average market growth. A good business could grow 20-30% a year. With an IPO the company gets a price earnings multiple and this is where you would become a billionaire. Its not so crazy if you study business.

Not every billionaire has made their money from being evil, I'm sure some have made their fortune by "egregiously exploiting and manipulating people for my own gain..." including Soros. Its just another tool to keep people down. "Money is evil, if your are rich you must be evil". Keep people down so they vote for socialism instead of producing their own wealth.

Their power comes from us giving away ours. As long as we believe they have power they do. We need to dismantle their institutions by not participating in their systems and build our own decentralized systems (we are currently doing this).
