You know what?
This was an excellent response, both sobering and rational. Thank you for taking the time to articulate your thoughts to me. You offered me some very excellent perspective, particular with your nuanced view of influence vs. total control.
I'm glad you took the time to do so :)
As for these billionaire characters, you're right that the billionaire club is certainly an interesting segment of global society, because as you pointed out, it is actually possible to get there with an incredibly ingenious and determined mindset.
Of course, a worth of a billion dollars, and a billion liquid dollars at one's discretionary control, seem like two totally different things.
There is no doubt that one could become a "billionaire" in terms of shares owned in a business.
Although in my mind, that's not what I was thinking about. I was thinking of somebody several degrees above this, who had a private fortune of billions of dollars in the form of liquid capital (in the form of personal currency a money-managing organization could deploy in any variety of ways), but I do take your very valid points.
I believe that the billionaire club is a highly visible segment of society. The "Forbes List" if you will.
Beyond the billionaire club, which is "big", I think there is another club which might deem to be the trillionaire club, a.k.a peoples and organizations that cannot readily be measured or analyzed by anyone, because it would take several lifetimes to actually unravel how such secret organizations truly operate.
The "Rothschild's" come to mind although I believe the "Rothschild Family" is just a front for the old Templar Banking Organization.
(They just "converted to Judaism" and pretended to be a group of downtrodden goldsmiths when there was a powerful reaction to their influence in Europe, since they were all practicing usury.)
But I believe this secret organization has in reality existed since antiquity. I believe that they do have Total Control of mankind and civilization; but this is highly occult/hidden/Forbidden Knowledge.
I believe they introduced the notion of money, war, state, law and all of these institutions, perhaps since Babylon, perhaps since much longer ago. It is difficult to say with much certainty as the earliest civilization we have any recollection of is ancient Sumer.
You are right about the decentralized stuff. I think this represents a renewed and significant attempt by mankind, quite subconsciously for the most-part I might add, to rid itself of this peculiar and pernicious form of total subjugation.
Because this secret organization operates from the shadows, in absolute terms, i.e: they have never been publicly disclosed, confirmed, and no concensus about their methods, nature, intents, ambitions or anything about them has ever managed to seep its way into mainstream society (which would cause a radical breakdown of every aspect of society / an Apocalypse).
As their existence remains unconfirmed through anything other than intuitive means, we view society as being lead and controlled by icons/public figures/elites: kings, emperors, politicians, business magnates, religious authorities, and the like; though in my view these all serve the secret masters
This is what I believe was meant by the Gnostics : "the demiurge who created the material world, who is not God but just "a god"; I believe we are born as cattle to be used and abused by this higher intelligence, though our spiritual nature is unbounded and connected to the Great Cosmos / God's Mind.
For the most part we are conditioned to view the world from birth in a way that makes it impossible for us to collectively emancipate out of the system; however individuals and pockets of society have and do frequently find physical, emotional, mental and spiritual freedom, in every era and at every time.
At the end of the day, these archons/jinn/anunnaki characters do not wield total control over the individual nor mankind; only over the constructs, ideologies and resources that are put in the service of enslavement, division and control of man-by-man.
When we awaken / reach spiritual Nirvana, we can break free from all of it.
I commend you for your views because they are tremendously important in balancing the yin and the yang. One must always have faith in God / Spirit that all these powerful illusions can be transformed magically by a simple shift in consciousness.
Humanity knows and understands this, deep down inside, no matter how much we have been genetically and epigenetically manipulated throughout the ages.
When we refuse to be deceived; we take back the power.
There's no need for money, power-control, nor any of that to radically transform the world.
Again, thank you for your perspective xx