Something Donald Trump said yesterday in his press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made me think he is!
Answering a question from the press he said....
"As far as the currency devaluations, I've been complaining about that for a long time. And I believe that we will all eventually AND PROBABLY VERY MUCH SOONER THAN A LOT OF PEOLPE UNDERSTAND AND THINK! WE WILL ALL BE AT A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD. Because thats the only way it's fair. That's the only way you can fairly compete..."
You can see it for yourselves at the 25.48 mark in this video of the event.
Trump has been speaking to the Chinese and the Japanese about this very matter. The Chinese have been buying up as much gold as they can, preparing for this very day. And they're not the only ones!
The Euro is doomed. Elections in the Netherlands and France this Spring could be the final nails in its coffin! On top of the many other systemic threats it faces. Greek debt, the Italian banks, Brexit.... the list is long and always growing. It's not going to get any better for the Euro.
The Germans know the whole thing is going to collapse. They just recently announced the return of all their gold back from the USA. The process was speeded up ahead of schedule for a good reason.
A new "Bretton Woods System" will have to be agreed upon by the nations of the World, sooner or later. As the system we now have is completely broken!
I think Donald Trump just signalled the approach of the Global Currency Reset!
"and probably very much sooner than a lot of people understand and think!"
This global currency reset will have to involve gold, for the fair settlement of international trade.
"A level playing field, because thats the only way it's fair"
Is Donald Trump planning to cut the head off the Snake.? Abolish the Federal Reserve, take away their power to control the money supply and return America and the World to the gold standard?
Did the Germans actually get all of their gold out of NYC that wasn't there? I remember a few years back the Fed resisted the Germans in their request to audit their own gold- that's because the Fed had long ago sold it. If they actually got all of the gold back to the Germans they did so by printing billions and buying in back over the past couple of years.
Bundesbank Has Completed Gold Repatriation From New York Fed, Three Years Ahead Of Schedule
I believe Trump is eluding to the global currency reset that will occur in the not too distant future- pretty sure that is to include debt jubilee.
An interesting article in Zero Hedge - "Economists: Le Pen Victory Would Lead To "Massive Sovereign Default", Global Financial Chaos"
The calamitous EURO, disaster in Italy
Former Soros Associate Just Warned We Are About To Witness ‘Absolute F*cking Chaos’ Across The Globe
I sure hope so. The Fed is the one of the worst financial decisions this country has ever made!