Its a sad moment it should be stopped i agree to you you have point out the great cause which now banning by you tube dont know why the reason behind it i am doctor of medicine but if you tube is doing monoply and banning for pushing pharmaceuticles than its really a alarming and we should protest against you tube decision and we should condemned it its disgusting effort
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I don't usually say this, as I see it all the time, but,,,,,,,,,ever heard of punctuation?
Medical schools sorely lacking in punctuation & nutrition education.
Isn't that the truth. Especially nutrition education......
One of my favorite games to play with drs: how much nutrition were you required to study? & how do you justify having zero nutritional training & calling yourself a dr? Deer in the headlights
I think they get 3 credit hours in doctor school, then zippo in residency. It is all about the chemicals to them.
Maybe they’ve improved! Last I heard from my dr friends it was zero
It is not mandatory. It is an elective. Lol. And it is their version of nutrition.