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RE: Vaccines: De Niro & Kennedy Announce $100,000 Reward to Anyone Proving Mercury is SAFE

in #news8 years ago

DeNiro did earn that medal, but I guess that's why his face wasn't that happy, he probably just subscribed to more politicians using his image.

Wasn't mercury poisonous, is it that hard to kill rats with mercury, just so stupid can be proven a point.

Mercury and its compounds have been used in medicine, although they are much less common today than they once were, now that the toxic effects of mercury and its compounds are more widely understood. The first edition of the Merck's Manual featured many mercuric compounds[47] such as:

yeah, drink thermometers to prove your point "scientists" :D

Strange that 100k are going to prove that, how would you disprove all the stacked material?


is it that hard to kill rats with mercury, just so stupid can be proven a point.

Ha! One would suspect not (and one would apparently be wrong). What's really mind boggling to me is that it's even still possible to run into people who defend this. Or fluoride, for that matter. If you don't know fluoride and mercury are Neurotoxins at this juncture, even ceiling cat doesn't know how to save you.
