@geekgirl that was a great article, took me a while to complete & reach the comment section but here i am, "Unlike other government agencies FTC has done good actions n protecting the consumers" i agree usually agencies favor the companies & take their side more often, so FTC definitely did a great job with that move, i totally agree that companies r hiding the details or the options that should b a basic costumer right & definitely they r doing it intentionally, & this is not just for the streaming services but also for all services from making social media accounts & apps to search engines "usually google", maps services "usually google", pc operating systems "usually microsoft or apple", websites cookies, every app u download on phone or pc, phone apps stores "google or apple", ai chat bots & ai img generating bots "chatgpt & giant companies developed theirs too", even sim cards & ISPs, they all track u all the time & sell ur data for money, they make a long list that's nearly impossible to read & u opt to click the agree button, this mind game should b stopped -costumers have the right to get things simple & clear to read & understand & refuse what they want to refuse when they want to, also those giant companies don't leave any space for competition when they see any small company with a potential that f kept growing might become a competitor- they play their mind games & end up buying it, that also needs to b dealt with for a more fair game for small & medium businesses. "I would rather pay higher prices, than my services being paid by those who don't need it" totally agree because it feels like fooling o stealing the others, "They can't raise prices all they want If there is no demand at certain price point they would lose business" totally agree & even they agree with that, i heard that about printers but i wasn't sure- how does HP stops it's printers remotely f they r loaded with the HP ink that their consumers bought ? or now it's not enough to just buy their ink & u must also buy an online monthly or yearly subscription to keep it working ?"That's just beyond greedy", "pay per content as rent or buy don't really work well. Subscription is the better option. It works for the businesses and the customers" totally agree, for netflix it indeed made a huge revolution that no one expected just a few decades ago & at it's beginning it seemed to b clean but with time it showed that it has it's own agenda, for amazon prime -well indeed amazon is greedy like all the other giants but it's the closest to the "win win" situation, with the good discounts & fast shipping -i think amazon prime is worth it for those regularly buying from amazon. finally again it was a great article so great job & really well done.
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