#NSFW due to subject matter and to protect snowflakes. Do not read if freedom offends you! Harsh words and unpopular ideas are contained below:
In the "Land of the Free," a woman is facing death threats because she dared commit sacrilege by desecrating the holy symbol of the state religion: The State.
If the flag represents freedom, freedom is not harmed when someone exercises their property rights to use the symbol as they see fit.
If the flag represents government, no form of desecration is too harsh. Government does not represent you, and in fact presents the most immediate threat to your freedom in your day-to-day life. Government commits crimes against people at home and abroad on a daily basis in your name. Government claims to own your life, your property, and your liberty. Government is just a gang of usurpers claiming a monopoly in violence, and they will use that violence against you.
Y'all keyboard warrior patriots are a bunch of poncy loyalist redcoat-loving sycophantic cowards. Fuck the State, and fuck your feels. Is this how a civilized person responds to liberty?
Link to article quoted below and source of image above
Threats to dissect Emily with knives, bludgeon her body, and even a $3,000 bounty for her head, rumored to be posted to Craigslist, now dot the activist’s Facebook timeline — as if she injured each individual in cold-hearted glee.
But she didn’t — she exercised an albeit fraught freedom and catapulted an astonishing hypocrisy into the world spotlight.
As furious former and current service members, their families, and other devotees to the symbolism in Old Glory crawled out of the self-aggrandizing, misbegotten cracks to wish death upon an otherwise unknown person on the Internet, Lance — obviously no shrinking violet — wrote in a post to Facebook,
“Freedom (of speech/expression) means that I’m entitled to do and say as I please, EVEN if you don’t like it, so long as I am not physically hurting someone – and no, your precious feelings don’t count, that’s your own problem. What don’t you people understand? You’re celebrating freedom while damning me for doing the same. You can’t have it both ways. FREEDOM OR NONE. Practice what you preach or shut the fuck up.”
If there is no victim, there is no crime. Hurt feelings are not an actionable injury by any rational measure. When someone else disposes of their own property as they see fit, it is none of your business. Don't be a busybody control freak or a quisling collaborator. Support liberty even when you feel butthurt. Otherwise, you are no better than the Jihadis who want people beheaded for not respecting the Koran, and your idolatry is merely a reflection of your own moral failings.
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I don't think the people that are typically mocked as "snowflakes" are the kind of people who think the flag is sacred or who would threaten to kill a woman for desecrating it. In fact, in my experience, the kind of people that are likely to spit "snowflake" as an insult at another person are the kind of people who get really pissed when a flag is burned and who tend to say.....less then cordial things....to women who express themselves in displeasing ways.
"Left" and "right" alike have snowflake segments.
I see it as a programming of the overall consciousness to give value to material items. When those said material items (flag) become soiled, decimated, burned, etc. it triggers a subconscious program to surface at the conscious level and run in the background. This program seeds anger, fear, and hate in the form of nuerochemicals to the forward thoughts (present time, the now). The emotion itself is triggered from subconscious programming compiled from years of propaganda (main stream media).
Simply seeing the burning of the flag creates a nuerochemical reaction resulting in the rise of heart rate and blood pressure. A feeling of anxiety that pings in gut, tension and stress come unbound. This is all caused without our knowledge and I have known a great deal of educated individuals who could not grasp onto this concept and instead would escalate their anger even more to try to disprove me. We are only human.
"If you swim in the middle you will never get caught in the shallows or lost in the deep, deep dark..."
The Last Sage
Great post, A little sad for me.
I don't like it when someone desecrates the flag, or kneels during the anthem, or anything like that, but people do have a right to do it. Your statement that we need to "support liberty even when you feel butthurt" is dead on. I think people all over the political spectrum need a lesson in that.
People also need to calm the hell down for crying out loud.
Why don't you like it, though?
I don't see the flag as a symbol of the government, I see it as a symbol of the country itself. I have many issues with the way government does things, and I much prefer free market solutions to problems rather than government solutions, but I do love this county.
Collectivism under a government symbol is irrational. The flag represents "the country" no more than the Crips colors represent neighborhoods they claim.
The crips colors do represent the neighborhood their 'set' is from. Some where light blue or even indigeo but, that's besides the point. The american flag represents America not the American government. If thats the case is it called "The American Government Flag"? No
No and no.
The flag is imposed upon those neighborhoods by the gang to define their claimed territorial monopoly in violence through usurpation of the property rights of the residents. Just like governments, merely on a smaller scale.
There is a lot more to a county than just the government. I think that very few people who proudly fly the flag are displaying pride in the government. To many people the flag is a symbol of freedom and our culture. Whether or not the government acts in the best interest of freedom or the county's people is a separate matter altogether.
It is also worth noting that big government liberals are less likely to take pride in the flag than people who want less government. So while the flag may be a government symbol to you, it is apparently not a government symbol to the people who want more government, or the people who want less government. In fact, the correlation appears to be in the opposite direction.
The flag is a symbol for government, plain and simple. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/chapter-1
Big Government people of any stripe believe that government itself is sacred, regardless of how they treat its various symbols. The offices, "public places," and boundaries it claims to own are venerated religiously. Its privileges are treated as natural rights, while natural rights are impugned. This religious veneration must be rejected utterly. It is idolatry.
The government represented by that flag violates the natural rights to life, liberty, and property on a daily basis as a necessary part of its operation. This applies to all governments. I'd burn a Canadian flag, the Stars and Stripes, the Confederate Battle Flag, the EU flag, the Israeli flag, the Saudi Arabian flag, the Chinese flag, or any other with equal disdain.
If you buy a bit of cloth, it is yours to use as you see fit unless you violate the life, liberty, or property of another. It is utterly irrelevant whether it has a flag pattern of some sort, it is a t-shirt from a rock concert, or a bedspread, or anything else. It is yours to use and dispose of as you see fit. that is what liberty and property rights mean.
Even if the flag somehow still stands for freedom despite all this, the principle is not harmed when people use their own property as they see fit, even when they "desecrate" the symbol of freedom.
I realize people have the right to burn the flag, I'm just saying I don't like it when they choose to do so, and I have explained why. I think that we are just going to have to agree to disagree.
@jacobtothe nice post dear upvoted visit me if u can thanks alot
Lol , she created here own personal zombie apocalypse , all Z's want to eat her now .
Respect for her act to prove a point , risky but brave :-)
Congratulations on writing a long post and including a long quote without saying one word about the topic - in this case, what she did.
Since she did not infringe on the life, liberty, or property of others, her specific actions are irrelevant. And the embedded link covers the details. I am writing about principles.
Her specific actions are not irrelevant if you want me to judge what happened afterwards.
After all I only have your words that is was not "infringe on the life, liberty, or property of others" and that seems to be a very interpretational sort of statement - not speaking about you, just general experience.
Burden of proof is on the accuser. Who did she harm, if such response was warranted?
A bit of cloth she owns is not transformed into something magical by the pattern on it. She bought it. It was hers to use and dispose of as she sees fit. That is the very freedom people claim the flag represents, and the principle cannot be harmed by exercising it to make a statement in destroying the symbol.
If she pissed on a Koran, Bible, Book of Mormon, the Vedas, or the newest James Patterson novel, it would be just as equally irrelevant (provided she owned the book in question) and death threats from Muslims, Christians, Mormons, Hindus, or fans of the Womens Murder Club would all be equally irrational.
Nationalism is the most irrational of religions.