"With Rule 41 the FBI Is ..." -- Rick Falkvinge interviewed by James Corrbett

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Here is another opportunity to exercise our privacy and freedom. Learn some obvious and the not-so obvious implications of government overreach. Let's keep our thinking in the right direction and work hard to protect our privacy and freedom.

Rick Falkvinge

  • Jokingly been credited by Jeff Berwick @dollarvigilante for creating the new government in Iceland.

  • Personal online friend to me. I'm looking forward to meeting him in person at the anarchapulco event this year.

  • Author of Swarmwise. We find this material relevant to the Steem and Steemit ecosystem.

  • Experienced on privacy rights including Internet privacy and privacy legislation.

  • feed.Follow @falkvinge and Facebook

  • Head of Privacy at privateinternetaccess


Video I mirrored awhile ago that was made by #OpNSA the Anonymous hacking group fighting back against Rule 41. The war still rages on...

"They can take our lives, but they can never take our freedom!" ;)

Be careful what you say, always :)

When do we will get out privacy back? Never right?

Pretty nice stuff. I actually sent him a friend request about a week ago now LOL

Truly sickening, this is exactly how the Nazis got to power and started their Orwellian system, but back then technology was not that good.

These are 21st century Nazis.

@jamesc We are kindred spirits. I work at Gab.ai and wanted to chat about using EOS to build a Steem like protocol.