Rajiv Hossain's body condition has been further deteriorated in two bus races. The medical board for Rajiv's medical treatment was reported on Thursday night.
Chief of the Department of Orthopedics of Dhaka Medical College. Shamsuzzaman said in the first light that Rajiv's condition started deteriorating since Wednesday night. His blood pressure was very low. Blood pressure was increased slightly by medication. The vital organs of the body including heartburn, kidney and lungs are gradually becoming weak. Doctors are trying their best to save Rajiv. The doctor said, "Doctors can not provide any new good news. They are told that the doctors are trying, but they are not very optimistic. Yet he is waiting. He believes that something miraculous happens. Jahanara urged all the authorities to keep an eye on those drivers who are responsible for the consequences of Rajiv.
Rajib Hossain, a second year student of Accounting Department of Titumir College, lost his hands on two bus races near the SAARC Fountain on 3 April. Rajiv, who was being treated at Dhaka Medical College, was gradually recovering. Suddenly, his condition deteriorated since Monday.
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