Secretary of State Mike Pompeo - former CIA director who has previously publicly admitted that the the CIA lies, cheats and steals, and in fact has entire training manuals teaching its employees to do so - just said in a Tweet on Friday that these same lying, cheating, thieving intelligence agents are not the bad guys.
"I watched The Report," Pompeo tweeted. "Fiction. To be clear: The bad guys are not our intelligence warriors. The bad guys are the terrorists. To my former colleagues and patriots at @CIA who have kept us safe since 9/11: America supports you, defends you, and has your back. So do I."
The only problem with this tweet, is, well, that it is nothing but an absurd piece of war propaganda full of lies. But that really shouldn't be a big surprise coming the former CIA director and admitted liar. The Report which the Secretary is referring to is a 2019 film based on true events. "The movie chronicles the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence investigation that led to the 2014 release of a report on the CIA’s use of torture in the war on terror," Deadline explains in an article detailing the response Pompeo's claim garnered by its director Scott Z. Burns, who said "I am interested in knowing what part he finds to be fiction."
In his statement, Burns said, “I am grateful to Secretary of State Pompeo for taking the time to watch The Report movie on Amazon Prime. I hope he will go back and read the [Senate Select Committee on Intelligence] report as well. I am interested in knowing what part he finds to be fiction and I ask him to join me in calling for the release of the Panetta Review which the CIA conducted into the [enhanced interrogation technique] program so that this dispute can be resolved. I agree with him that terrorists are bad guys— as are the people who conducted barbaric and ineffective acts of torture in the name of Mr. Pompeo’s misguided notion of ‘Patriotism’ and then misled Congress and the American people.”
It is public knowledge now because of that senate report that the CIA did indeed use barbaric torture methods, among many other heinous acts it has no doubt committed. Pompeo's defense of the agency is clearly a desperate attempt to help rescue the agency from the rightfully terrible public image it has gained over the years, by taking a stab at a mainstream movie which surely has far more affect on the public than the mountain of facts suppressed by the media which they will probably never see.
Probably the most absurd statement by Pompeo in this tweet is that it isn't the CIA who are the bad guys, but the terrorists; because it is in reality the CIA who helped create, fund and arm these very terrorists Pompeo is speaking of here. But I'm sure he counts on people's ignorance in this regard, or simply doesn't care that the whole world can so clearly see and easily verify the obvious deception which is so clearly ridiculous war propaganda being put forth here.
Remember operation Timber Sycamore? The average Joe probably doesn't, but it is a CIA operation we really all should be aware of by now, in which the CIA helped smuggle arms to Syrian 'rebels' fighting under the banner of the 'Free Syrian Army', and then train them before sending them off in the effort to topple the Syrian government led by democratically elected President Bashar al-Assad. This operation began in early 2013 and was the beginning of the western-backed 8-year terrorist war on Syria. That's right, these so-called 'moderate rebels' have been thoroughly exposed as radical Jihadi terrorists, found among the ranks of al-Qaeda, ISIS, al-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria), Jaish al-Islam, Hayat Tahir al-Sham (formerly al-Nusra), etc.
Even the New York Times was forced to talk about operation Timber Sycamore, in a 2016 article entitled "U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels".
When President Obama secretly authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to begin arming Syria’s embattled rebels in 2013, the spy agency knew it would have a willing partner to help pay for the covert operation. It was the same partner the C.I.A. has relied on for decades for money and discretion in far-off conflicts: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Since then, the C.I.A. and its Saudi counterpart have maintained an unusual arrangement for the rebel-training mission, which the Americans have code-named Timber Sycamore. Under the deal, current and former administration officials said, the Saudis contribute both weapons and large sums of money, and the C.I.A takes the lead in training the rebels on AK-47 assault rifles and tank-destroying missiles.
Further, New York Times authors Mark Mazzetti and Matt Apuzzo even admitted that the CIA program was indeed responsible for the death and injury of up to 100,000 members of the Syrian army, but fails to mention the far greater number of civilians caused by these terrorist 'rebels'.
Run from secret operations centers in Turkey and Jordan, the program pumped many hundreds of millions of dollars to many dozens of militia groups. One knowledgeable official estimates that the CIA-backed fighters may have killed or wounded 100,000 Syrian soldiers and their allies over the past four years.
This was in 2015, the casualties on the Syrian side caused by these US-backed terrorists has only increased since then...
Much more of this mainstream piece can be seen in an informative article on this operation by Brandon Tuberville at Activist Post - "Was Timber Sycamore The Program That Created ISIS?"
There is a solid case suggesting this, as Tuberville concludes.
The fact is that ISIS fighters were entirely a creation of the United States, NATO, GCC, and Israel. They were armed and funded by the US and the GCC, trained in Jordan, and funneled into Syria through Turkey. In other words, the mysterious “moderate” training program and the genesis of heavily trained ISIS forces were funded and armed by the same countries, trained in the same country, and filtered into Syria through the same country at about the same time. Thus, with this stunningly “coincidental” chain of events, some may begin to wonder whether or not Timber Sycamore was the operation that led to the creation of the Islamic State. If so, and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that it is, a revelation of this magnitude would eviscerate Western justifications for war in Syria and Iraq and a host of other nations subjected to America’s exportation of “democracy” and war of terror.
Indeed, the evidence is overwhelming that the US, particularly through the CIA, has always backed the radical Jihadi terrorist groups. US and Israeli weapons have been recovered from both ISIS and al-Qaeda groups in Syria by the Syrian army time and time again, as I have documented on several occasions in the past.
There is ample evidence not only of direct US support for ISIS terrorists, but also of Israeli support of the Jihadi terrorists in Syria.
The US support of the terrorists, both al-Qaeda factions and of ISIS is far too extensive to list here. Below are just a few more examples, which I have covered in the past:
US & Israel evacuate ISIS terrorists from Syria:
US & UK propaganda attempts to protect terrorists in largest al-Qaeda stronghold in the world in Idlib Syria from attack by Syrians and Russians:
More evidence of US & Israel supporting terrorists in Syria:
So for Mike Pompeo to claim that the terrorists, which have received such blatant support by the US government, are the bad guys, while the CIA which armed, funded and trained them, are the good guys; is patently false and ridiculously absurd! Claiming the CIA is responsible for keeping the US safe since 9/11 is almost as ridiculous a notion, considering many throughout the international intelligence community acknowledge it was actually the CIA, along with Israeli Mossad behind the false flag attack of 9/11 which formed the pretext for the last 18 years of endless 'war on terror' - during which time the CIA-armed terrorists we claim to be fighting to eradicate have somehow become a bigger 'threat' than ever before.
And as to Pompeo speaking on behalf of the American people, claiming in regards to the CIA that, "America supports you, defends you and has your back." Well that is an equally absurd and preposterous claim, because in no way does the American public as a whole support the CIA and its numerous unethical, immoral, and criminal subversive actions. These include:
- Admittedly, by the Secretary himself, lying, cheating, and stealing!
- Funding, arming, and training terrorists in Syria - Operation Timber Sycamore.
- Sadistically torturing captives, as the US congress has exposed.
- Infiltrating the US corporate media - look up Operation Mockingbird if you are unfamiliar with this mainstream media takeover by the CIA.
- Working on behalf of the US war machine to affect regime change around the world, through various means, including arming and funding various anti-government 'protesters' seeking to revolt against leaders the US wishes to overthrow; often at great cost to human life and limb.
- Conducting terrible mind control experiments on human subjects, as a part of its MK Ultra program.
That short list only begins to scratch the surface; and while most Americans are surely not aware of the full extent of the evils conducted by the CIA, Americans as a whole most certainly do not support this criminal agency nor do they condone the evils it commits on a regular basis in their name. Mike Pompeo might defend, support and back them, but all of us as Americans certainly do not.
He has a stick up his ass for sure. The CIA is obviously one of the most dangerous criminal organizations in the world.
Short answer why he's wrong:
All the dead innocent children in Iraq/Afghanistan that were "collateral" from our drone missile strikes.
"oops, oh well, we were trying to get some bad guys. collateral damage."
the mindset of these people is appalling, imho.
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
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If Mike is too bad, how do we get rid of him like we got rid of McMaster, Kelly, and others?
Well done my friend. I also had made a post a while back on this.
The CIA (and FBI for that matter) is a cesspool of criminals of the highest order.
Let's keep exposing these traitorous Deep State parasites!