House Resolution 3815 - PASSED the House of Representitives - unanimous - 100-0

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act

House Resolution 3815 - Introduced in House (10/23/2015)

This bill amends the federal judicial code to narrow the scope of foreign sovereign immunity by authorizing U.S. courts to hear cases involving claims against a foreign state for injuries, death, or damages that occur inside the United States as a result of a tort, including an act of terrorism, committed anywhere by a foreign state or official.

It amends the federal criminal code to permit civil claims against a foreign state or official for injuries, death, or damages from an act of international terrorism. Additionally, the bill authorizes federal courts to exercise personal jurisdiction over and impose liability on a person who commits, or aids, abets, or conspires to commit, an act of international terrorism against a U.S. national.

If this makes its way through the Senate, and pass the presidents veto power, and becomes law, Americans could sue Saudi Arabia, the country itself, for losses from 9-11. This creates an exception to sovereign immunity originally created by a 1976 law, and would allow US citizens to sue foreign countries for terrorism that kills Americans on US soil. It has been reported, 15 of the 19 men who hijacked the planes were from Saudi Arabia. Are governments legally liable for its citizens? Would you not have to prove the 'state' was culpable.

I question whether this 'exception' would also open the door for other countries to sue America for atrocities such as Iraq as well as numerous other offenses the for which the public is unaware.

I wonder if this bill has a future. It has a feel that it may be more of a 'good press' bill that appears strong but goes no where except out to the press to create an image that congress is acting in behalf of its citizens. I could be wrong.

The full text of the bill can be found here
This bill has 60 co-sponsers
An exact replica of this bill sits in the Senate under S.2040

Image credit: Google image - Labeled free use


This of course assumes there will be no meddling in the courts or trial by TPTB and witnesses and documents don't disappear.

Oh but you're assuming this will be realized. Even tho a vote of 100-0, (fishy itself), I don't think this is anything but public relations BS. Some spin crap for the news feed.