I was approached recently regarding the incident mentioned in the attached video and Charlotte, NC. So, I'll address it here. My friends that are believing that this article is anyway similar to the recent incident in Charlotte, NC, please note that the police in the aforementioned article determined that the perpetrators were firing BB guns by the sound of the BB gun and the noise it made when it hit the dumpster. I will further state to anybody that wants to debate the alleged injustice between this incident and the Charlotte incident that no two cases are alike. Whether its criminal or civil in nature. How do I know. Because I, as an attorney, have represented people and I heard people say things like "My case is just like so and so's". No...it's not! And if You want to throw the race card in then get all your facts before making allegations about unlawful use of deadly force against blacks. If You want to argue the unlawful death of black U.S. citizens then why don't we discuss the 3,000 blacks killed in Chicago, Il. this year by other blacks and the undeniable fact that the BLM, Black Panthers, or the Obama Administration has no intention of addressing these wrongs. Why? Because it does not promote any militant, socialist agenda. I'm going to go ahead and say this: May G*D have mercy on this nation should the white U.S. citizens get fed up with the black on white crime in the U.S.
Let Me put this as elementary as I can. If You violate the law, and that includes disobeying a lawful order from a police officer then You put yourself in a situation that WILL escalate if You continue to disobey and the result can lead to Your death.
All Lives Matter NOT JUST BLACK LIVES! So, please, don't get it twisted! You do not have a U.S. Constitutional right to treat law enforcement whom are doing their job like they are idiots and then disobey them when You're confronted. Further, this stupidity these idiots did in Ferguson and now Charlotte is NOT protest. It's a violation of law to destroy personal and city property. To steal. The list goes on. That's not civil disobedience. Martin Luther King, Jr. Is rolling over in his grave because all his accomplishments are overshadowed by the destruction in L.A., Feguson, Charlotte, etc.
If You don't want shot then obey the law. Quit selling drugs. Get off the street corners and get a job. Quit having 20 baby Mama's. Be decent. Pull your pants up.
Totally agree. Don't break the law, it's pretty simple really its the same in any language.