
Exactly! I don't wanna know how much cruelty they spread over half of the world. How many people are hungry, because of these finance business? How many lost their home? So funny. Not.

And especially they blame "military-styled". The same story again and again: more black, more deadly. Can we change the color? Can i engrave a mickey mouse to my AR? Then it's less deadly? Or is it ok to make mass shootings with something, which is not "military-styled".

For sure, non "military-styled" rifles are less dangerous. Everybody knows that! *joke

No, it's just about to demonize something. To make an image. AR-15 is the word of the magicians. Say this and everybody hangs on your lips. Call everything an AR!

For sure. It's so easy how it works... "We should ban them! Or do you want mass shootings?" Soooo cheap.

They're just trying to make a statement, and they will find themselves on the wrong side of history... SAD! (not)

I hope so.