440hz Music - Conspiracy To Detune Us From Natural 432Hz Harmonics?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Would you believe that there is a conspiracy theory about the way we tune musical instruments? And that this theory even involves the Nazis, chakras, and whatnot? No? Then sit down and enjoy perhaps the most ridiculous conspiracy theory of all time.

Test your ears

The usual way to specify a tuning is to give the frequency of the note A4. The modern standard is A = 440 Hz, where Hz is a unit meaning “per second”, so “440 Hz” refers to 440 vibrations per second (such as those of a string). To tune to this frequency, a musician would either listen to a tone played by some tuning device and tune by ear or use an electronic tuner.

If you Google “432 Hz”, you will find a tremendous number of articles and YouTube videos about the tuning A = 432 Hz and its presumed healing and soothing properties. If you dig a little bit deeper, you will also find an “explanation” of this phenomenon. Presumably, the 432 Hz tuning is in some way tuned to the vibrations of nature itself, whereas the 440 Hz tuning was introduced by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi minister of propaganda.

Yes, that’s right. There are millions of people in the world who believe that Goebbels dictated the tuning to make people feel more anxious.

I cannot say with certainty that there is no difference in the psychological effects of A = 432 Hz and A = 440 Hz, but I suspect there is no significant difference, since orchestras around the world used to tune to anywhere from 400 Hz to 470 Hz, and I think that if 432 Hz were some kind of a sweet spot, someone would have noticed by now. Any psychological effect of the tuning is likely caused by the simple fact that 432 Hz is different from what we are used to and would be pretty much the same as the effect of 440 Hz if the standard were 448 Hz.

What I can say with certainty, however, is that the arguments about numerical or mystical properties of the number 432 are utter nonsense. It is important to understand that 432 Hz refers to the number of vibrations per second, and “one second” is a rather arbitrarily chosen unit.

So, yeah. The 432 Hz tuning, the divine tuning of nature itself, is ultimately defined as one vibration per 21279240.2083 periods of radiation of an uncommon chemical element. Very spiritual.

Virtually all commercially produced contemporary music is tuned to A = 440 Hz. Nevertheless, most symphony orchestras ignore the standard and tune to 441, 442 or 443 Hz instead, while orchestras specializing in older music may sometimes tune in a tuning close to the one for which the piece was originally written, which may range from 415 Hz to 470


I'm not enough of musician to be able to tell chord or key changes compared to tuning changes. As far as preference goes I had to first assume it was the same music which failed on ex 2, on 1 and 4 the 432 sounded more "right". I only wish I could run the stuff I've heard thousands of times before though a 432 filter to really understand what it could sound like.

there are many examples of songs shifted to 232. Also look at how water reacts to 432 vs 440.

Absolutely this is a conspiracy. Music should be played and heard at 432 Hz. This entire world is designed to fuck with us. This is simply a surface layer thing but goes to the pervasiveness of the conspiracy.