During a discussion over economic policy, Donald Trump referred to Haiti and certain African nations as "shithole countries"... And, as a result, pulled the trigger on the emotionally charged, American media... Even Rick Wilson took this as a cue to make a kinda, Hollywood-type of mob threat to another guest on CNN.

Okay, outside of the shock value of the use of profanity by a sitting president, what's really the big deal? What is it really that has the media up in arms? It's certainly not the profanity in and of itself. Most grown adults speak in this sort of language on a regular basis. And the media has been using it regularly since, in an attempt to drive up ratings. To a degree that they sound like a teenager who wants to see how far they can go to test their parents in regard to what they can or can't say in front of them.
Is it the context of the language? Eh... Not likely. I'd say that it's the fact that the media latched onto this an excuse to try and take the moral high ground over the language, and exploit the context of it as an excuse to scream RACIST.

One of the more amusing elements of living in modern society is that you can now use the term racist as an argument to "pause the game". Kinda like an intellectually dishonest "timeout" when you're cornered and have nothing else to fall back on...
The media know that they're being dishonest in their coverage of this. That's not the issue. The issue is that the vast majority of their viewers eat this shit up. Because the vast majority of their viewers actually believe that this is news... It's Not!
It's tabloid bullshit. It's checkout line, gossip rag garbage. It's fucking Jerry Springer time in prime time. It's a fucking distraction. When Trump says "shithole countries" to describe nations that purge their borders of their own undesirables, he's not being racist when he asks how we would benefit by taking them in... He's just being practical. And the media takes this as a cue to virtue signal by swearing excessively as a response?