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RE: What Will Be Trump's Reichstag Fire?

in #news8 years ago (edited)

America had two options: Hillary Clinton, which you can be 100% sure of is a warmonger, anti-Russia and an ISIS supporter. Trump, which sometimes sounds like a warmongerer, is atleast independent and can change his mind on things. I believe there won't be any war with Iran since Iran is a staunch ally of Russia and Trump doesn't want war with Russia. Eventually he'll change his mind on Iran once he gets enough intelligence and understands Iran is on his side fighting ISIS.


I think you might have missed the point. Hillary vs. Trump is political theatre, same stuff different day, the illusion of choice. Remember choosing Coke or Pepsi will still rot your teeth and ultimately kill you, and clean water is never on the selection for the elections. I'm sure the reference has already been made, but I just re-read Nicielo Macivelli's great work "The Prince". I do marvel at how the play writes have cast this last s-election. A truly masterful division in the ongoing conquest of the once semi-free people of America.

Yes I think the point is that - even if Trump is sincere in wanting to 'make America great' and 'drain the swamp' - he's not really in charge. All presidents are figureheads for the same deep state, whether they like it or not. And if they try to resist, they go the way of JFK. That said, Hillary would have been way way worse because she would have aided the entrenched deep state in fulfilling their evil machinations fully and willingly in every way. It seems Trump may be more amenable to being a tool for rival deep state factions, which I think is a good thing because the elites' internal power struggles invariably weaken their control and give the people more time to wake up.