Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, Space-X, and Paypal, recently posted a series of Tweets pointing out how media organizations have an obvious incentive to give bad press to electric cars and alternative energy in general. Musk was unforgiving towards the mainstream media in his epic Twitter rant, calling them hypocrites and saying that the public no longer trusts them.
He said that he doesn’t advertise for Tesla, his electric car company, which means that he contributes no money to the media, who depend on advertising dollars to stay in business. On the other hand, the traditional auto industry and fossil fuel companies are among the world’s largest advertisers, meaning that they are one of the primary industries keeping the mainstream media in business.
When it comes time to cover a story that involves these industries, journalists, and media organizations have an obvious bias and conflict of interest that will influence their coverage of the story even if they were not given explicit orders to create propaganda.
“The holier-than-thou hypocrisy of big media companies who lay claim to the truth, but publish only enough to sugarcoat the lie, is why the public no longer respects them. Problem is journos are under constant pressure to get max clicks & earn advertising dollars or get fired. Tricky situation, as Tesla doesn’t advertise, but fossil fuel companies & gas/diesel car companies are among world’s biggest advertisers,” Musk said.
One of the dark secrets of the advertising industry is the fact that commercials are not always intended to sell something, but are sometimes an undercover bribe, which corporations use to control the narrative on the sponsored news sources.
An obvious example of this is how military arms suppliers like Boeing or Lockheed Martin will advertise on major networks despite the fact that their products are not available for sale to the people watching the advertisements. It is no coincidence that international stories are covered with a pro-war slant on every major media platform when the arms dealers are advertising on each one—in fact, that is the very reason they advertise.
The same goes for recruitment ads for the military, these serve the double purpose of recruiting and also controlling the narrative of the media outlet by becoming their sponsor. Next, Musk announced that he was planning on creating his own media ranking website that would rate the credibility of journalists by crowdsourcing reviews from readers.
He also put up a poll asking his followers if it would be a good idea, or gave the sarcastic option of “no, media are awesome.” Musk suggested that he would call his site “Pravda,” and while it would seem that these were thoughts coming off the top of his head, one Twitter follower pointed out that one of Musk’s agents “incorporated Pravda Corp in California” in October 2017.
As opposed to centralized fact-checking sites like Snopes or Politifact, which have an obvious bias, a site that allowed the public to decide who they trusted could be an interesting way to rate journalists. Of course, any type of rating system is dependant upon the opinions of the masses, which can sometimes be wrong, and are almost always controversial. However, this seems to be the best model that has been proposed thus far, and it does not seem to favor the mainstream media as other popular “fact checkers” do.
Alchemy of the Timeless RenaissanceThe Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free HumansMy name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, , I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze :
I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon.

I don't buy this one bit. There is a clever game being played here with the public. If anyone thinks Musk is anti-establishment, then think again.
He is part of the same revolving door political/corporate industrial complex. This graph explains the reality
The website will be manipulated by the same people with an extra layer of anonymity through endless amount of fake accounts controlled by them.
I wouldn't be surprised if 90% or more of Fortune 500 companies have lobbyists and people in government. It's not like we have a free market economy in the USA. It's like the mafia. Musk better pay to play if he doesn't want to be shut down and possibly even put in jail.
I think he does make a good point about the media. It is about ratings and revenue and it is also rigged as well.
Great to see Musk calling out the bullshit that runs rampant in the media. He really is a genius and we are lucky enough to have him working for the good of humanity.
Every time musk opens his mouth he calls bullshit! Stealing the name of Tesla was a genius con though...
Musk really should have called his fake company Einstein after the famous plagiarist...
Nice to see him speak up!
It is the same with the pharmaceutical companies. MSM can't report on harm done by prescription drugs or vaccines because they will lose the $$$.
The holier-than-thou hypocrisy of big media companies who lay claim to the truth, but publish only enough to sugarcoat the lie, is why the public no longer respects them
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 23
This is really heating up
I heard about this. Yeah he isn't wrong. The media is in bed with all the elites, corporations, and authorities and they try to sway opinion in ways that are favorable to those interests.
I suspect that this is the reason that YouTube suddenly started attacking weed channels just as legalization is looking more and more inevitable. They have alcohol and prescription drug advertisers and legal cannabis scares the hell out of both of those industries so it seems awfully convenient that they pick now to start silencing people who are actively supporting the cannabis cause.
Elon Musk knows what's up!
Go Elon!
If Musk can figger a way to keep bots out, he'll make Steemit much easier to clean up as well.
Elon Musk billionaire conman...
Would you buy a used car off this man?
I bought this one at half price.
Hey some places would just weld that back up and say good to go lol.
Your car is ready to go sir
Could I maybe have some sort of engine with that car?

I wouldn't buy a battery charger off the prick!
I'd pay up front for a flight to Mars though...
LOL a flight through the Van Allen belt, best of luck with the radiation field my friend, even NASA say they misplaced the technology to get through that lol.
Good to see him talk out about it. He's a very intelligent man with some amazing ideas. I'm still not one hundred percent sure of his motives but credit hime for this 💯🐒
Too bad he stopped short of outing the CFR, which controls all MSM.
I completely agree with you on this one.
yup - follow the money.