This week, it seems that the U.S. military may be getting the green light to escalate their war in Syria, after an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, which was consequently blamed on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Most Americans don’t realize it, but the U.S. military has already been at war in Syria for years, with indiscriminate drone strikes that many times kill innocent civilians, with thousands of troops also on the ground. This is a war that has been waged without the knowledge of most Americans and without a declaration of war from Congress.
The coverage that this war has received in the mainstream press—from both liberal and conservative sources—has suggested that the US military is just there trying to help. However, classified State Department documents leaked in 2015 showed that regime change in Syria has been a major goal of the US establishment since well before the Arab Spring when the protests and rebellions in the region began.
Sure enough, as the years have passed and the cracks in Syria’s political system have deepened, the U.S. military and NATO have taken every opportunity to further their goal of regime change—most of the time, at the expense of the Syrian people.
From arming and funding the rebels who would eventually become ISIS, to drone bombing schools and hospitals, the U.S. military has done nothing but add to the death and destruction that people in this part of the world are experiencing.
Considering the pain and bloodshed that the US military and their allies have unleashed upon Syria, it should be easy for anyone with this information to see that the renewed threats on Assad have everything to do with opportunism, and nothing to do with helping Syrians or “punishing the bad guys.” Sadly, this is nothing new.
The U.S. government has a long history of senselessly killing millions of people in wars of conquest that were sold as “humanitarian interventions.”
Most recently, the war of regime change in Libya has left the country in ruins, torn by civil war and ravaged by slave traders, where there was once a thriving civilization. Let’s also not forget about Afganistan or Iraq, where regime change was achieved, but over a decade later these places are still riddled with terrorism, occupied by foreign troops and experiencing a quality of life much lower than they had prior to US intervention.
It is now well established that the war in Iraq was built on a total lie, and that Saddam Hussein never actually had the weapons of mass destruction that were used as a pretense for U.S. invasion. It is quite possible that these stories of Assad using chemical weapons on Syrian people could be lies as well.
Former Congressman Ron Paul seems to think that it could be a false flag attack, designed to justify an invasion.
Regardless of what actually happened in these chemical attacks, the U.S. government has no business getting involved because their track record has proven to be horrible in these types of situations, regardless of their stated motives.
In the string of military conflicts that the United States and NATO have been involved in since World War II, they have always attempted to maintain the high road by claiming that they were responding to some kind of threat, and apparently helping the people that they were bombing.
This approach is largely accepted by the general public who is either too afraid or unable to suspect malicious intentions on the part of their masters. In helping themselves to rationalize the nonsensical things that are happening in their name, many people are firm believers in the idea that their government is doing good and “policing the world.”
However, military goals and ambitions have nothing to do with “policing the world.” Just as ancient Rome’s government could not care less about “spreading civilization” in their conquests, today’s Western governments are not interested in “spreading democracy” or “policing the world,” but rather, their goal is to rule the world.
If we were being honest with ourselves, we would say that they are trying to take over the world’s governments and plunder their natural resources, because that is what we can see happening around us. War is, and always has been, about conquest for plunder, power, and strategic influence, and the many wars that we see taking place around the world today are no different. This fact may not be recognized by the national mainstream media, but people around the world see through the cover stories that have been used to sell these wars.
According to a 2014 Gallup International survey, people across the world believe that the U.S. government is the greatest threat to world peace. The poll was taken by 66,000 people in 65 different countries, and just under 25 percent said that the U.S. was the biggest threat, with Pakistan coming in second place with just 8 percent. This makes sense, considering the fact that the U.S. has been a country for 242 years and has been at war for 221 of those years.
Research from the European Security Strategy Council found that since 1990, almost 4 million people have died in wars, 90 percent of them civilians, while UNICEF has reported that civilian fatalities have been even higher in recent years. In 2016, Amnesty International reported that 300 innocent civilians in Syria died as a result of just 11 different US-led airstrikes that they investigated. Given that the U.S. government has such a reputation for mass murder and human rights violations, we should always be extremely suspicious whenever anyone in power claims to be doing something noble, especially when military force is involved.
Alchemy of the Timeless RenaissanceThe Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free HumansMy name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, , I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze :
I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon.
I wrote this story @
Have you heard of Operation Gomorrah: Firebombing of Hamburg? This shit will probably never end!
(Image Source - Anonymous)
Innocent people are killed every time and no one seems to give a damn!
A lot of bad things happening in Syria but the news media will not spread the truth. Only those who hide the truth are allowed to broadcast their news to the world. Many are busy watching Champions league matches while people die in unnecessary wars.
Mmay the war of Syria end the peace of the people of Syria
This whole issue brings a lot of sadness, it seems that power can end everything without looking at what is going on, it seems that this whole problem has lost prominence, being isolated from the whole trend in world news, a policy that does not see all the deaths that occur, where human rights do not matter, a controversial and difficult issue to address, thanks for sharing
Because we live in a thoroughly evil empire, and everyone who serves it is guilty.
"Humanitarian" definition in WH dictionary needs to be updated
So what happens to things the Iranians and/or Russians touch?
Oh yeah the things they touch get suffocated with chemicals!
That's none of my business...but they tend to keep to themselves...Iran especially...Russia does some colonizing but not nearly to the level of the US
Coming up to the 5 year mark for me and tongue cancer. Can't imagine the added stress of having medical bills on top of things. Free medical is one good reason to put up with the winter cold up here in the Confederation of Canuckistan. Wishing you continued healing.
Congrats!!! I am hoping I can say the same thing in five years :)
I will never trust the mainstream media again. Ever. It's up to great minds in the alt media combined with my own critical thinking skills to discern fact from fiction.
Relevance: No More Wars!Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
The U.S. is a war economy. It's big business and will not stop until people in the U.S. finally decide to reject the (kakistocracy) government! I don't see that happening anytime soon, I mean the U.S. has only been involved in some type of war, somewhere for around 90% of its existence!