Syrian Government Invites Chemical Weapons Inspectors To Investigate Chemical Attack

in #news7 years ago

 While the US government and their NATO allies were quick to blame the  Syrian government for the recent chemical attack in Douma that  reportedly killed dozens of people, no one has yet to provide any  evidence linking the Assad regime to the attack. Russian UN Security Council, Vassily Nebenzia said US attacks on Syria could lead to grave repercussions,”  and said that the idea that Assad was behind the gas attacks was “fake  news,” and pointed out that inspectors have not even been to the site  yet. 

The office of the Foreign Ministry in Syria said it had invited the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to come investigate the incident. There have been numerous alleged gas attacks in the past that have  allowed the US to continue and escalate their war in Syria, and each  time no evidence was produced to justify the military action.

Theodore Postol, a professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), made a statement  after the previous gas attack saying that he does not believe the Assad  regime was responsible for the attacks, and that it is possible the  evidence was tampered with. 

“I have reviewed the [White House’s] document carefully, and I  believe it can be shown, without doubt, that the document does not  provide any evidence whatsoever that the US government has concrete  knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical  attack in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria at roughly 6am to 7am on 4 April, 2017. In fact, a main  piece of evidence that is cited in the document point to an attack that  was executed by individuals on the ground, not from an aircraft, on the  morning of 4 April. This conclusion is based on an assumption made by  the White House when it cited the source of the sarin release and the  photographs of that source. My own assessment is that the source was very likely tampered with or staged, so no serious conclusion could be made from the photographs cited by the White House,” Postol said. “All  of these highly amateurish mistakes indicate that this White House  report, like the earlier Obama White House Report [from Ghouta in 2013],  was not properly vetted by the intelligence community as claimed.

  I have worked with the intelligence community in the past, and I have  grave concerns about the politicisation of intelligence that seems to be  occurring with more frequency in recent times – but I know  that the intelligence community has highly capable analysts in it. And  if those analysts were properly consulted about the claims in the White  House document they would have not approved the document going forward,” he added. Former congressman Ron Paul was even so bold as to call this most recent attack a potential “false flag.”

“An incident will occur and somebody will get blamed and it’s  usually a false flag. Right now, recently, it’s all been in Syria,  ‘Assad did it! Assad did it!’ No proof at all. The way the people that  perpetuate these false flags [sic] say that Assad is gassing his own  people, at the same time, he’s winning the war and the people are  flocking back in to go to the territories that he has returned to the  government of Syria. But, nevertheless, he’s out there gassing his own  people, which makes no sense whatsoever and fewer and fewer people are  believing this,” Paul said. 

The news of these attacks came from a very sketchy source, a group known as the “white helmets” who have been known to work with terrorists to achieve regime change in Syria. The white helmets were also caught staging videos of atrocities in an attempt to bait western powers into war and were later forced to apologize. 

This strong reaction from the US government is also suspicious  considering the fact that the US military has been regularly killing  innocent civilians with drones in the country for several years. This  week’s death toll is small in comparison to the US military’s body count  in the region.

In 2016, it was reported  that 300 innocent civilians died as a result of just 11 different  airstrikes conducted by a US-led coalition, and there have been far more  than 11 airstrikes in Syria over the years. Lynn Maalouf, Deputy Director for Research at Amnesty International’s  Beirut regional office said that the CENTCOM is downplaying the human  cost of the recent attacks 

“We fear the US-led coalition is significantly underestimating the harm caused to civilians in its operations in Syria,” she said. 

This is not the first time such a large death toll has occurred  recently in Syria. Amnesty also documented that over 200 civilians were  killed in a US-led attack on the city of Manbij, Syria.

This situation is eerily similar to the non-existent “weapons of mass destruction” that acted as a pretense for the invasion of Iraq. George W. Bush blatantly lied to the American public about Iraq  developing weapons of mass destruction, and when news came to light that  there were, in fact, no weapons of mass destruction, he simply accused  anyone who criticized him of attempting to “revise history”

During his presidency, while giving a speech about that very issue, Bush said, “This  nation acted to a threat from the dictator of Iraq. Now there are some  who would like to rewrite history — revisionist historians is what I  like to call them. ” 

Tensions in Syria could ripple out to a larger conflict between  Russia and the United States, who are caught up in a proxy war in the  region. The US military has reportedly ordered civilian planes to clear the  skies in the area, but an official no-fly zone has not yet been  declared. 

 The Telegraph  reported that UK prime minister Theresa May has ordered submarines to  travel within striking range of Syria, and said that strikes could begin  as early as Thursday. Meanwhile, Russian state news sources are giving people tips on how to prepare for Nuclear war, according to Newsweek. 

I wrote this story @

My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon. 


This could be another plan to discredit Assad government looking for legal reason to empower the resistance. The war in syria is highly political

We need to start a end war campaign. Nice post bro @ayahlistic

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