A combination of sources my inciteful little peach. But lets not forget that the definative answer is the Grid. And the Grid, unlike any ICE vehicle that can't swap out more efficient engines when new models come out, is modular. Sure you can buy a new model. But most people just cant afford to do that. Then the Ford Expeditions chug along. But the modular Grid can redirect power in the event of a huge line failure instantly. One of these pipes goes out; calamity. And at some point in my lifetime fusion will find its way on the grid. But no flying Delorians with a Mr. Fusion running I'm affraid. Which it still ran on gas in the western movie.
But here is the stitch. Lets assume that you back fossil fuels. After all, they all come out of a flat earth right? 'Giggle'
How does the use of FF's benefit your life? Tell what you love about this stuff that you couldn't live without it. Seriously, I really would like to know. I see no purpose for them other than lack of viable alternatives and an effortless return on koch investments. But hey, some people just want to watch the world burn. Just another one of the Edward Bernays vector of mass manipulation. Only capable of criticizing everything they hate and seeing nothing to love, but this is the societal tumor called Ego. And Eddy's uncle Freud can teach you all about it.
You lost me at little peach
I no longer take you seriously.
Your logical fallacies for the day...are to many to number.