Davorcoin Terminates Lending Program Almost Exactly As Bitconnect Did

in #news7 years ago


Davorcoin Terminates Lending Program

Earlier this year in the opening weeks of 2018, Bitconnect had shut down it's lending program and essentially walked away with their investors' money. Bitconnect accomplished this by locking out their website so that only the insiders could get money out at the original high rates the Bitconnect coin was trading.

By the time Bitconnect had re-opened their websites, every investor noticed that all of the money they had tied up in the lending program had been converted over to Bitconnect coins without their authorization that were seemingly worthless.

This caused many investors to lose substantial amounts of money having fallen victim to the largest cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme ever created.

Officially this morning Davorcoin announced that it would be following suit with Bitconnect and shutting down it's lending program. I suspect this will mean the same grim financial future for those using Davorcoin as for those who suffered sizable losses from the Bitconnect platform.


Davorcoin Issues Email Notification To All Account Holders

When Bitconnect closed up shop, they issued an announcement to investors almost identically to Davorcoin. The email emphasized the closing was a result of legal pressure and challenges the organization faced.

The email went on to describe how the platform would remain in existence offering other services (even after they had stolen everyone's money).

Just moments ago Davorcoin issued this formal email to it's investors. I had created an account on Davorcoin shortly after the Bitconnect collapse just for this purpose to be one of the first to be able to report on this when the lending program went down. I did not invest a cent into this platform thankfully.

Here is what the Davorcoin email said, l take a look:


Anyone that was familiar with the Bitconnect communication will likely find these words all too familiar.

I hope if you're seeing that you're able to somehow get your money out of Davorcoin if you had anything invested with them. If so I would recommend you act fast!


I dont understand a word of it..🙄😏

Great post - everyone needs to be aware that these lending programs are just ticking time bombs. They are money grabs, nothing more. I have a friend who loves the potential for a quick $ and is currently invested in Monetize Coin. I've pointed out each every one of the 100 red flags but he wants that quick money. However, even if he succeeds, he is contributing to the problems within the crypto space. There is no product...just a way to take people's money. We don't want these schemes to work.