See the FULL video report HERE:
Josh Sigurdson reports on the massive increase in excess death in Australia and throughout the world as more and more studies come out utilizing the government's own statistics.
In Australia in 2022, the excess deaths were 5162%. That is a massive increase from 2021 and an astronomical increase from 2020 which was minimal to none.
The obvious culprit is of course the mass injections which in Australia were essentially forced upon people by locking unvaccinated people out of basically every public place with camps built throughout the country.
In this video, we break down the charts from the government's own data regarding vaccine deaths/excess deaths as well as look at multiple other study findings.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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i wish i had better and quality information about vaccines and specifically the Covid' one, too late for me and most of us. My only hope is my good health status and immune system