See the FULL video report HERE:
Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news of Former head of the CIA under Trump, Mike Pompeo being ordered by a Spanish court to testify to the claims that the CIA sought out ways to kidnap and/or assassinate Julian Assange after he released "Vault 7."
This revelation came out late last year and is now being followed up with this court case as intelligence insiders witnessed this absurd anti-journalistic move by the beast itself, the CIA.
We must remember that while Trump was favorable personally to Assange, Pompeo and Jeff Sessions both claimed one of their number one priorities was to "get Assange."
Now that Assange has been getting tortured half to death for 3 years in prison, one must ask, where are we as a human race when we ignore this absolute shocking miscarriage of justice.
We have the government attempting to kill a journalist for telling the truth and everyone is silent on it.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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