EXPOSED: Monkeypox Vax Lab Rats! - WHO ADMITS To Collecting Data From Idiots Who Get Monkeypox Jab!

in #news3 years ago

See the FULL video report HERE:

exposed monkeypox vax lab rats thumbnail.png

Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news of the WHO collecting trial data on everyone that gets the "Monkeypox" vaccine.
The reality of course is that those with so-called "Monkeypox" are just vaccine injured. But of course, the world has turned into Idiocracy, so people are now lining up to get a vaccine to "cure" them of another vaccine injury. It's the definition of insanity. The group think and cult mass formation psychosis is truly astonishing.
In this video, we talk about how this vaccine injury veiled as a new illness is affecting people and how 90% of people dying currently are jabbed.
All the while, Joe Biden is falsely claiming that most people in hospital aren't up to date on their death shots. The reality is quite the opposite and more and more data comes out every day.
In this video, we break down this most recent news from Clown World.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


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Haha. I love ze Gayorgypox. I had mein gut friend Herr Doktor Fauci make it in his wunderbar labs: