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Josh Sigurdson reports on shocking excess death numbers as government data shows a 760% increase in excess death among children alone. The increase is almost entirely among the unvaccinated and few media outlets are talking about it.
Before the European Medicine Agency (EMA) brought in their emergency approval of the covid injections, there were 309 less deaths than usual in the time period leading to week 21 of 2021. As soon as the emergency approval came in, we saw soaring excess death numbers that perfectly correlate with the approval date. Following the approval, we saw a 760% increase in excess deaths among children. Numbers among older age groups are even worse. All of this is backed up by official government data and the United States data shows essentially the same thing.
As we'd reported previously, we've actually seen a 5162% increase in excess deaths in Australia as well.
No one can honestly ignore these numbers, yet many do. There is still pressure in many countries to force these injections that cannot even be defined as "vaccines" into the arms of unsuspecting people, especially children. In New Zealand, the tyranny is still ramping up in many ways.
Every year, despite less people injecting themselves, the death rates are actually going up as pre-morbidities strike otherwise healthy people who've fallen for the vaccine eugenics agenda. Will there ever be a full awakening to this tyranny? Or will we continue to see people fall prey to this death cult?
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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