In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the appalling new development out of Venezuela where Nicolas Maduro approves "Plan Rabbit" to "help" starving Venezuelans.
As Venezuela is decimated by hyperinflation, complete centralization by an authoritarian socialist state, as opposition is purged and people are forced to break into zoos in order to eat as well as eating their pets and waiting in long bread lines, President Nicolas Maduro has put "Plan Rabbit" in effect where citizens are being handed rabbits to mate in order to eat.
To most this is a joke. Venezuelans can't be independent, start a small business or provide for their families, but the government is handing them rabbits to eat. It's a disgrace.
On top of that, something that appears quite humorous for Maduro is that people have begun bringing the rabbits to bed and putting bows on them.
This is the reality of a socialist state at its end. The central planners devalue the currency into oblivion while mass handouts lead to the capitalists they depend on via extortion to go broke until there's no one left to extort and the whole centralized system comes crashing down. Now there are countless protesters in the streets and opposition is being locked up.
With an unthinkable level of regulations facing Venezuelans, the government is more concerned about controlling the populace rather than "helping" as is the ridiculous excuse of every socialist state as the leaders live in palaces while the populace is forced to drink from gutters.
Want a window into the future? Well this is it.
Hi Josh, i notice you put your bitcoin address on your youtube comment. There were some scammers on other channels and pretending to be the youtuber and ask for bitcoin donation on the comment sections.
Forget about economic warfare from the outside. This is nutritional warfare by Maqduro against his own people. Rabbit starvation creates a lack of fat in the diet. If you are eating only rabbits, your brain doesn't work as well as it should, the brain is made of fat. It's a perfect food for a socialist dictator to feed his slaves.
Venezuela just keeps getting more rekt with each passing month. I heard they also started selling the oil for CNY now, instead of USD. Some in Venezuela have already started using bitcoin.
Exactally, wallet addresses would allow direct donation allowing immediate conversion to a fiat that still has some value. Trading bitcoin direct would be even greater for them AND BitCoin!!
And what do they change the bitcoin for, according to this article their currency is worthless. And I can't believe they have US dollars readily available for buying or selling bitcoin.
I agree with the overall premise of this post. But one thing confuses me: rabbits are technically edible, and are often used as meat animals, even here in the U.S.
So why is it so outrageous that people be expected to eat them?
Josh is trying to point out the level of desperation Venezuelans have been driven to by the insane Maduro dictatorship. That SOB will get his comeuppances soon enough.
Yes, rabbits are quite edible, and a sensible choice they can multiply their population many times over in a few months.
So they consider Rabbits as pets and don't eat them but have no problem eating dogs, cats and zoo animals.
Good luck with that Maduro. I have some ocean front property in North Dakota to sell ya.
More proof that governments are NOT THE SOLUTION ❗️THEY ARE THE PROBLEM ❗️Mankind thrives , and prospers under freedom , and free market enterprises . And the strangest thing about Venezuela 🇻🇪 is that they live on one of the richest soils on planet 🌎 earth ⁉️They shouldn't have a problem growing food , because they can grow all year round ⁉️Great show fellas 👏👍🏼