The Truth About Alfie Evans - Child Left For Dead By The State (with Sterlin Lujan)

in #news7 years ago

the truth about alfie evans with sterlin lujan thumbnail.png

In this video, I talk with Sterlin Lujan of and The Psychological Anarchist about the horrific story of Alfie Evans.

Evans was born with an undiagnosed neurodegenerative disorder. Starting with epileptic symptoms in December 2016, Alfie spent most of his life in a hospital.

A hospital in Rome put forward the notion that perhaps if Alfie were transferred, they would be able to help him. Now there was never a promise that he could get better, but there was hope. The UK hospital Alfie was at rejected the idea and would not let him leave.

Alfie Evans' parents protested the hospital. Police guarded the building as countless people pleaded for the hospital to release Alfie and let him seek other treatment. The government and hospital would simply not let it happen and basically decided that he was to die.

So with a chance of this less than 2 year old baby surviving, they instead opted for him to die. The story made international news and millions shared hashtags and photos of the child.

After the hospital pulled the plug and removed the breathing tube, Alfie survived for a few days before ultimately dying. The story is a tragedy and an obvious sign of absolutely abhorrent government coercion. The government deciding whether a child should live or die rather than allowing the parents to decide the treatment of the child. He may not have lived if he were to seek treatment in Italy, but he most definitely died without it. The notion that the government could decide such a thing is sickening.

This is more proof that the government believes it owns the child. It pretends to be there to "help" people but instead stands in the way of helping hands to instead be a coercive force benefiting from collective subservience.
Sterlin breaks down his thoughts on this tragic story and where it should lead us.

See the FULL video interview here:

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"The notion that the government could decide such a thing is sickening."

Is there any crime against humanity governments haven't perpetrated yet?

Its the birth certificate which is the contract between the parents and the government. When we are born the human being is converted to a person (legal fiction, dead entity) with the birth certificate which is more like a death certificate. We are all dead and lost at sea and have no rights as persons. When we use our name we become the person (government ID).
Check it out:

Cestui Que Vie Act 1666

You just need to look.

The birth certificate is void as it was not fully disclosed.
Check out your strawman.

We have all been deceived. We are human beings not persons.

Peace to you all.

When you signed that corporate agreement with the state which they call a "marriage license", you have, in very fact, relinquished any and all "soveriegnty" you once possessed over your children. It hasn't been widely known, of course, but they know it; and what we're seeing more and more is their "making good" on their part of the agreement. This is not a new thing. A little over 20 years ago, my own nephew was the victim of a "medical kidnapping", in which they forced the then not-quite-two year old to undergo an unecessary open heart surgery. The operating doctor asked "WHY is this child being forced to get this procedure??" But he was powerless to not do it. People need to stop asking permission from the government to do what only God has authority over!

Also, people really REALLY NEED to start turning to God in true repentance, and to start putting faith in him, and to stop going to the criminal medical cartel for treatment. I can truthfully testify that since I did this very thing, I have not been disappointed. I have been healthier; and not only that, I have actually received real healing for some things, such as something that wanted to manifest itself as arthritis! Praise the Lord! Hopefully, people will begin to understand that our Creator knows how to maintain and heal his own creation!

What was best for Alfie Evans was to not be starved and dehydrated to death. The state is not 'for' the people ...