Trump SENDS TROOPS To Iran's Border! - Is This ANOTHER WAR?

in #news6 years ago

trump sends troops to irans border thumbnail.png

In this video, Erin Nakamoto and I report on the constant, never ending militarism of the US government, regardless of whether it's Clinton, Bush, Obama or Trump, this has been going on for a VERY long time.

The whole concept is to create order out of chaos and essentially buy up the entire world. Create problems and then come in as the solution, creating an incremental frog boil towards complete control of the populace world wide.

Now, the Trump administration is sending troops to Iran and attempting to further its attempts to destroy the country the United States has manipulated for the past 100 years.

Is this Bolton's actions? Shanahan's actions? Or perhaps it simply doesn't matter as the military industrial complex perpetually enforces its will on every president regardless of their personal views as well as the world population.

See the FULL video report here:

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I am not to worried about IRAN because they have over a million Air-To-Surface Missiles.
I feel sorry for the US Soldiers that are going to be sacrificed.

Great idea, endless wars are good for those who profit off them