Why YouTube Creators Are Being Demonetized & What YOU Can Do!

in #news8 years ago

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In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent vast demonetization of YouTube videos, why it's happening and what can be done about it.

As of a few days ago, YouTube brought in the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) to begin mass flagging videos deemed "controversial" in a crack down on so-called "hate speech".

Interestingly, videos that talk about freedom, are anti-establishment, break down issues with the monetary system and cover everything from conservatism, libertarianism and voluntaryism are considered "controversial content" while AntiFa videos are not. This is the "Ministry of Truth" in action.

While it's understandable that advertisers would not want to pay those creating violent videos, it doesn't make sense that basically every independent media is being vastly demonetized.

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We Are Change, Press For Truth and channels like Diamond & Silk have been nearly entirely demonetized. WAM has been vastly demonetized as well following a dramatic level of demonetization last November on top of the recent attack. It's clear that this demonetization is happening almost exclusively to those who don't carry the official establishment narrative whether you agree with these channels or not.

With new artificial intelligence in play, creators are unable to continue making a living working day and night creating videos that YouTube used to champion.

As only 6% of people actually trust the mainstream media there is a definite crackdown on free speech and anything that's not "politically correct." The term "hate speech" is incredibly loosely defined considering violent AntiFa "activists" are calling for attacking anyone they disagree with and are doing fine on this platform while people calling for peace and individual liberty are being silenced.

While we can move to other platforms, it's incredibly important to not be stuck in our own echo chambers. If we go to another platform that only carries people who largely hold our views, then we are just talking to our self. It's crucially important that we educate those who don't agree with us, or at the very least have a conversation but this is making it counter productive to even continue trying to do this. This will further lead to the divide and conquer of us as individuals. When people are afraid to speak the truth because they think they'll lose their living, a shift is happening before our eyes.

Below we leave many examples of what individuals can do to help us at WAM out as we work 18 hours a day to bring constant information and content as we have for many years.

We also encourage people to help out other channels if not ours as this conversation cannot end here.

See the FULL video report here:

Stay tuned for more from WAM! We're not going anywhere! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow! :)





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Thank you so much for your support!!


Full upvote. What a bunch of BS. I wonder what position ACLU would take on this topic? Usually they lean far left, but every once and awhile they surprise you and come out in support of true freedom issues

"Full upvote."
Nice ! :)

Every now and then. I feel like this could lead to mainstream shaming as they've hit a lot a big channels that are featured on TV. May end up like Facebook when they were caught censoring and deleting conservative content last year and were forced to do whole televised panels on it until they laid off all the manual reviewers and let AI take over based on how viral posts and stories were.
All I know is this is not going in a great direction. I really hope this riles enough people up.

Source: "I've made this" :P

Everytime i watch Ron Paul videos, it becomes un watched again after. So he must be losing views also

Keep putting it to YouTube! Maybe they notice a mass exodus from their platform and change. Maybe not. But out of the ashes we could build something better. And thats what the crypto life is all about!


The Money GPS actually is getting demonetized as well. YouTube is showing it's true colors. YouTube has become North Korea in the sense that if you have an opinion that differs from the mainstream, it becomes the end of days.

yeah that's what capitalism does

Because capitalism actually does produces goods and services.

goods and services would always be produced. Capitalism decides who chooses specifically how and who gets paid.

I don't think venezuela is producing too many goods and services that capitalism didn't already invent. Yes, in capitalism how people get paid is decided by what the agents in the market accept as money, and in capitalism the people who get paid are the people who bring the most value to an economy. YouTube doesn't represent capitalism in the sense that in a true capitalism system, they wouldn't be able to censor a large demographic because there will be some competitor that that demographic can turn too. There are other alternatives to YouTube, just very few people know about them or use them because they are being brought to the mainstream. YouTube, as with all other monopolies, is a government sanctioned monopoly. YouTube is aloud to be as popular and as monopolized as it is because it is carrying out the agenda of the puppeteers that control our governments. Despite popular belief, there is little to no government involved with business in a true capitalist society. Try to proving me wrong. Put up or shut up. #facts.

"YouTube doesn't represent capitalism in the sense that in a true capitalism system, they wouldn't be able to censor a large demographic because there will be some competitor that that demographic can turn too."

in that case turn to pornhub. Problem solved

" and in capitalism the people who get paid are the people who bring the most value to an economy."


this is an entire book written about how wrong that statement is

"I don't think venezuela is producing too many goods and services that capitalism didn't already invent."

that was already stupid on many levels.

first of all they are capitalist.

second of all, "anarchist capitalism is the only capitalism" is a complete failure of a statement. Capitalism can not be anarchist, private property can not exist without a state.

"Despite popular belief, there is little to no government involved with business in a true capitalist society. Try to proving me wrong. "

private property was crated (stolen) during the enclosure acts. Capitalism would not exist without government intervention lmao. Without a government every system turns anarchist, that is to say mutualist or socialist.

second of all, you can't pick some arbitrary point on a sliding scale of freedom and say that's the point when it becomes capitalist or not. If we introduce philosophical zombies, the entire argument falls apart. A system is based on marital conditions, not whether or not somebody decided that what they were doing that day was voluntary.

here is a nice book pointing out how capitalism literally can't help forming monopolies, and it goes into imperialism and how it is needed to sustain late stage capitalism. It includes many historical examples.


Sorry, but if you think venezuela is capitalist you've been living under a rock and are not worth my time debating. Clearly you are a troll that lives in his parents basement jerking off to whores on pornhub because you are too deranged to get that close to a real women, if you think venezuela is capitalist. It is clearly a communist regime, but if your pea brain can't think that far here is a shit ton of articles that refer to venezuela as a socialist regime, which is the first step to communism

http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/in-venezuela-the-destructive-force-of-socialism-is-at-work/article/2627885 https://socialistworker.org/2017/06/07/did-socialism-fail-in-venezuela http://dailysignal.com/2017/08/02/socialism-destroyed-venezuela/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/global-opinions/wp/2017/01/05/as-socialist-venezuela-collapses-socialist-bolivia-thrives-heres-why/?utm_term=.a61d31efd412 http://nypost.com/2017/08/01/venezuela-a-nation-devoured-by-socialism/

Not to mention nicholas maduro and hugo chavez, are and were members of venezuela's socialist party.

Thanks for your time, you have proven yourself to not be worth mine.

Don't get me wrong, but I think this is good thing.

  1. It will force us to make our youtube without censorship where you can be monetized in some other way.

  2. If alternative media is against current system, why are they accepting money from ads? We know how is data collected for creation of ads and what companies are advertising.

Is there some blockchain tehnology that can ensure video can't be deleted?

Full support & upvote!

Great info. I'll be following you on this platform. I used to get all my alternative media (free and independent) from YouTube. Where else can we go other then steemit to stay connected?

YouTube has found that they were not digging their own grave fast enough and have hired an army of shovelers.


Josh, You are the one who convinced me to come give Steemit a try. Thank you, and I hope it rewards you generously in the long run! tip!

You have used tip! in your comment - that`s my magic word for sending tips ;)
Click here if you wish to learn more!Beep beep. Hi @fishyculture!

Why? Because of the NWO and high vatican knighthoods thats job is to take our rights at all costs daily. But im just wasting my breath... Good luck ingnorace is bliss

fully upvotes
Steem is the future

My vote stop using that junk lol start using networks like steemit and I am sure there are others.

Could Bitchute be a good future option? Not sure how monetisation would work, but it could certainly be an alternative platform.

This is horrible. People don't realize this is a stepping stone to totalitarian communism. I do see however that YouTube is a private website and essentially has the right to run its business however it wishes. I think they are making a mistake on many fronts though. Platforms like Steemit will grow faster because of this in the long run. They feel like they run the world, but in free markets, the right entrepreneurs will capitalize on this. The internet and its users are committed to free speech. The internet is the foundation of decentralization.

communism is where the workers collectively control the means of production. Nice propaganda.


what you are actually thinking of is basic capitalism.