In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the massive demonetization move by YouTube in recent days following a controversial video by Logan Paul on the platform.
Basically, one guy with millions of subscribers makes a really dumb video. YouTube then uses that as an excuse to pull the rug out from underneath millions of people and stop them from monetizing their videos and making custom thumbnails, both of which are extremely important.
The rules play out like this...
If you have less than 1000 subscribers, or less than 4000 hours of total watch time on your videos, you cannot monetize and you will not be able to use custom thumbnails.
This is a direct attack on independent media especially, and basically anyone attempting to get anywhere on YouTube because it cuts down the possibility of people growing on the platform by about 90%.
This demonetization process has been happening for a long time. Any excuse they can use, they certainly will use. Google has gotten billions of dollars in subsidies from the government. It is not a private business at this point, it's a government monopoly on information. The advertisers also have very little say in this. It's basically left up to a certain organization that we cannot mention in the description without facing consequences ourselves.
But let's remember the process of decentralization.
People moved from the telegraph office to the telephone with an operator. From the telephone with an operator to a phone without the need for an operator. From the news paper to the television and radio. From the mainstream media to social media. From centralized social medias to Steemit and DTube. THAT'S the answer to this problem. A REAL free market alternative.
Steemit and DTube are decentralized platforms on the blockchain. You get paid in the Steem cryptocurrency which you can then trade into other cryptos or cash if you wish. It's a massive innovation.
People from all realms of life are flocking to the platform. The worst thing that can happen is that you post what you would on Facebook or YouTube anyways only to make a few dollars. The best thing that can happen is that you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars. What are people waiting for? It's always about what's next in technology.
Youtube, Google and FB have been at the top for so long, they now think they can do whatever the hell they want, but they will soon find out just how much $$$ their arrogance is going to cost them.
I expect a full attack on Steemit and Dtube once all those Youtubers start migrating here, and Steemit's valuation rises into the 10's of billions of dollars as a result.
This is huge for DTube and Steem!!! As it is DTube will draw a ton of smaller youtubers but if we can cut down on lag, reduce upload times and add polish we have a chance at getting some serious press and seeing a huge jump is users!
No centralization, no bias, and fully democratic. It’s what so many YouTubers want/need!
Yeah this is good news indeed! :)
Yes good question "What are people waiting for? If I talk to friends about steemit they don't belive, even I show them.... Still it's not working.
I will keep going.
Thank you for your post ✌
Hi @justnatina Just show them this comment. So far you have about 50 cents with only 4 votes. Maybe you shouldn't worry about about those friends but focus on producing good content on STEEM. When you have the same level of quality and success as @sweetsssj you can pay your friends minimum wage to carry your bags to the airport when you are flying somewhere with your family on your monthly vacation.
Yes I follow her 😍
Yes exactly, I will just keep going, have fun and meet a lot of nice people. Thank you for yor nice comment, and all #upvotes 😊😊😊❤
May be they are asking you the question - " Have you withdrawn the money?".
If this is the question then they are not going to join.
But I really don't care 😂 I tried to help they will join but later 😎 Same story with #bitcoin, people started little late but it's never to late... I mean now it's not so easy anymore 🤗🤑🤑😛
Down with Youtube! Long live STEEMIT!
Yep, just going to cause more people coming to Steemit and DTube. Yay!
You say "This is a direct attack on independent media", I say Youtube is digging their own hole, because most of independent reporters will find a solution, this way or the other. And it will not be Youtube
It works for me. The more people who move to steem the better.
@dwarrilow2002 without a doubt
@joshsigurdson A dream dies on thousands of people who are just starting, creating a channel and someday want to make it big on Youtube. Not everybody can put up a great content but what about those people who are putting great content but stay small? It is such a pity. Steemit and dtube is the way to go.
DTube has a discovery issue, very few non popular people get scene, I was putting up content but it was never watched, atleast on youtube with good SEO you can get some views.
Honestly Discory is a core problem with the site in general. People upvoting themselves when they are medium size buries small content that cant do the same.
Sure you might get lucky and have a whale/curator find you and you will get a nice upvote but those feel few and far between. I have almost 500 posts and comments and I have been hit just a couple times. It can be discouraging and I hope that doesnt hurt the long term viability of steemit.
Consider that steem is only a couple of years old and has 500 K plus followers. As more youtube channels promote steem more people will join.
The problem isnt the number of users it is the fact the lower 99% of the users dont get seen do to the lack of discovery.
Agreed, and I even did a rather large Steemit post recently talking about this very thing and how YouTubes actions may very possibly lead to a large number of new and smaller YouTube channels to move over to another platform such as Steemit/Dtube.
A Detailed Update On YouTubes Monetization Program Changes, And What It Might Mean For Steemit/Dtube!
I would look to BAT (BASIC ATTENTION TOKEN) to be a substitute for youtube channels looking for a monetization route that bypasses youtube's controls. They did recently announce they are going to be working with content creators moving forward.
I am a former YouTubers and have left it.
now I am turning to a better and interesting steemit.
i am a new steemar.and i realize your blog.
please keep on.
thanks for sharing...
I find it interesting that the payment system has changed, because it really lends itself to money laundering, good post, greetings.
God has answered to your prayers Youtubers.
Welcome to the Blockchain technology introducing Steemit and Dtube where you don't need to have 1000 followers to monazite your account.
#dtube is getting ahead
yes i know about that
it will be hard to earn money
but now i think dtube will best for this
not in this precious era one should be wasting time of dating site and facebook creating good content would make you richer thanks for the awesome post it really shaping ideas on what to do
the only way to fight censorship
After reading your post I should say that I agree with you. I am owner of a YouTube Network (CMS) and after february we are afraid of the situation if no new YouTuber might come and join our network. Actually I have an idea we can build some networks on Dtube by which we as volunteers get more attention of YouTubers to Dtube and Steem and earn using a platform like an affiliate system. Anyway, thanks for sharing!
I to received that fateful email on Wednesday morning.
I posted a response video (plus a bit of a steemit/dtube promo to all my subscribers) on YouTube and made a steemit post regarding it to.
It's gonna be dtube all the way from here on in :)
Agreed, their censorship will be a driving force in people coming over to Steemit. Youtube needs to be decentralized and the block chain is the way to do it!
Yep they got me! I have 530 subs on youtube.... so it's Dtube all the way from now on.
the only way to fight censorship
My best YT videos are now "Unlisted" and if that doesn't stop the views (and theft) they will go "Private". None of my videos were controversial, just live music, so why should I be denied the opportunity to make money off my work? They are not only loosing content creators, but also consumers who will now go elsewhere to get what they want. Greetings!
At this moment Youtube is our best friend, that old platform is killing the content creators and their liberty...
Dtube and our community is here to welcome all of them, the more the better! Thank you Youtube, pls Demonetize some more channels for us, will you?!?!?
is it fair ???
''What are people waiting for ?''
It's a good question but the people don't belive that steem and dtube will work or they don't even belive how it works. Like it was for YouTube in the beginning ( i miss these days ... ) YouTube is still a monopoly and it won't change in a long time.
But dtube and steemit is growing.
We have to confess the big youtubers to change to dtube BUT when this happens we will have the mainstream bs here too.
It's crazy today I saw thousands of youtubers behaving like there were on steemit,actually interacting with each other , doing some sub 4 sub,having each others back, i even did it myself as I was reaching 1k sub and all the comments got blocked by google as a counter attack. It was so interesting to watch it happening before my eyes , the moderators couldn't delete all the comments(more than 25 000).
click on creator blog and check the comments flooding hahaha...
All future Dtube users!!!
-Ken Liu
Okay, Josh, I've been fact checking in my own account and with YouTubers like Roberto Blake and Nick Nimmin.
We will NOT LOSE the ability to do Custom Thumbnails or have longer videos. PHEW! Eh!
I'm still wondering about the ability to schedule videos, but I had that ability before I ever started to monetize, so that should be fine too.
As long as you verified your account, through the Account tab (I think that's where it is), you won't lose those features.
What you lose is monetization and the ability to have external links in your end cards. That's important to note, BUT you can still link to anything in the description. So it's not AS bad as I feared.
What sucks is this new threshhold, but it actually is propotional. I looked at my analytics and I am 1/3 of the way to 1K subs, and my watch time in hours is 1/3 to 4K hrs. So 4K hrs for 1K subs is doable. It just sucks that I don't have that opportunity to monetize, since my channel is small and grows slowly.
But it's important to note what we feared we might lose that we will not be losing after all.
The worst google threats it’s youtubers, the more our dtube can grow, helping steemit grow too.
I think this is good news for us.
The steps that they have taken has both pros and cons. I will benefit on one side and lose on the other side. My main channel gets more ads now since the reuploaders are not getting anything. My second channel with just 250 Subs will lose the monetisation and it is really hard to get 750 subs till 20th FEB.
Dtube is definitely a thing but the fact that you can earn only in first 7 days is a bummer. On youtube otherwise my 3 year old also earns money.
YouTube is so destroying itself . LOL 😂 I barely go over there . It’s now begun to feel weird to go there ❓😝