We've all encounter the unpleasant feeling - running out of battery in the most inconvenient moment. Good news come from Apple and StoreDot.
According to Apple, they are curently exploring the possibility of wireless charging of phones and other devices using WiFi, mobile network, and even satelite signals.
The technology involves the use of electromagnetic waves at high frequencies, which are routed to the device via a special antenna. As stated by Apple, the idea of wireless charging is one of theirs priorities and is not a novelty. The first research is promising, but it is necessary to conduct additional exploring of the idea.
Smartphones with a battery that is charged in five minutes?
This idea was first introduced in 2015, when the Israeli StoreDot presented FlashBattery at the event in Las Vegas. CEO of StoreDot, Doron Maiersdorf, told BBC that the beginning of implementing idea is expected in early 2018, stating that he could not disclose which companies signed up for using this technology. The battery is made from a nanomaterial, which is characterized by extremely small-scale structure, and unnamed organic compounds.
What do you think about this? Are you, like me, tired of constantly worrying about battery percentage, and carrying charger wherever you go?
Feel free to comment :)
Nice article! We really do need our phones to be charged. Once, there were no cell phones, and somehow everyone got through their day. But now we need them!
I'm not concerned though, because I just got an LG X Power phone with one of the longest lasting batteries out there. I can go for days on a charge! And I have a battery charger with a battery in it, about the size of a small phone, that I can carry with me, just in case I am running out of power. So I have low battery anxiety like everyone else, but I think I have it under control! :-)
i'm jealous @kenny-crane ,LG is a bad ass in making long life Batteries
Thank you :)
I "envy" you, btw... My phone batterie lasts about 6h, at best :D Carrying my charger with me all the time is my way of preventing anxiety attack :D It would be nice not to worry about it anymore :)
Soon battery and charging technology will be better, like you said in your article. Maybe solar power will let us top off our charge just using light. I do think the issue of keeping our phones charged will be solved soon. But then there will some new thing we can't live without, and we'll be anxious whenever we are away from it or its power is low! :D
Haha :D I guess you're right. We'll find something, that's for sure... But i guess, if it weren't so, there would be no progress. Our constant need to improve something leads to discovering :)
Nowadays I dont care. I've an old tablet phone with pretty crappy battery hours. I'm be more happy if my phone's near 10% these days - I'll just forget about the phone and stay offline for as long as possible lol. Being offline is more like a luxury these days. But anyway, a supercharging option would be awesome!
I know... It really is a luxury. We all depend on technology now... But, I do love it, even though, from time to time, I need a break :)
It will be great if such technology is created
I'll have my fingers crossed :)
Nah, we will get rid of the concept of "charging" our phones altogether
As much as I'd love that, it won't happen soon
but definitely remains a possibility, have a look at this
I'll keep my fingers crossed! :)