New Evidence in DNC Whistle Blower Seth Rich's Murder

in #news8 years ago (edited)

          Last year Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was murdered while walking home at 4:17 in the morning. The D.C. police say they think this murder was a robbery that had gone wrong. The Rich family believed there was more to their son's death so they hired a private investigator. They hired  Rod Wheeler who was a former homicide detective for the D.C. police department. Wheeler has been digging deep into the case and came to the conclusion that someone in the government is stopping this investigation in order to cover up the murder.   

"I do believe that the answers to who murdered Seth Rich sits on his computer on a shelf at the DC police or FBI headquarters."

 “My investigation shows someone within the D.C. government, Democratic National Committee or Clinton team is blocking the murder investigation from going forward,” Wheeler told Fox News. “That is unfortunate. Seth Rich’s murder is unsolved as a result of that.” 

               It has been debated if Seth Rich had given DNC documents to Wikileaks or if the documents were stolen by Russian Hackers. Now there is proof that Seth Rich was in fact the source of DNC documents sent to Wikileaks. Fox News has reported that they have been contacted by an anonymous FBI insider who has given details on the case. Fox says 44,000 emails have been sent from Seth Rich to former Wikileaks director Gavin Macfadyen, who is now dead. A federal investigator that reviewed Riches computer has came to the same conclusion 96 hours after the murder. He has confirmed the connections between Rich and Macfadyen.

  “I have seen and read the emails between Seth Rich and Wikileaks,” the federal investigator told Fox News, confirming the MacFadyen connection. He said the emails are in possession of the FBI, while the stalled case is in the hands of the Washington Police Department. 

           The Russian Hacker Narrative has just been proven wrong, the FBI and Police Department are not investigating and they are hiding evidence from everyone. With all of this confirmed information and with the firing of FBI director Comey, we are one step closer to finding out who is behind this murder. Thanks for Reading please post your thoughts and question in the comments.



Incredible. Thats american politics for you