I just found out that the servers of Piriform company, the creator of CCleaner app, were hacked! Please update the application CCleaner ASAP!

In another large-scale attack that's bound to increase users' awareness on their systems' security, news have broken out that Piriform, creators of the popular CCleaner software tool (estimated to be instaled in some 130 million devices), have suffered a hack on their servers that compromised some installer packages of the software. Piriform, which was purchased by popular security software company Avast last July, was hacked last August, and the changes to the installer packages could potentially allow hackers to control the devices of more than two million users, the company and independent researchers said on Monday.
Specifically, hackers embedded remote administration tools on CCleaner v5.33.6162 and CCleaner Cloud v1.07.3191, tools that then tried to connect to several unregistered web pages, looking to download additional unauthorized programs ...
to note additional to this mainly looks like it effects windows versions and 32 bit so if you are on a mac and have a version number not in the 5.xx range you should be good.
Ok, good note!
Good to know. Thanks.
Ur welcome! Got me a bit scared but I was late with the update so I havent used the infected version ...
Good call, thanks!
Yes! You are welcome! I use it and also pay for the Pro version and I know they are a lot of people like me ... 😶
Thanks for the information @juanmiguelsalas. updating right now!!!
Fast as u can!!!