Using smartphones, an app called "HQ Trivia" earning thousands of dollars without any cost, some youngsters from the United States and Britain This app is basically a 15-minute live stream quiz show. With this, users get income from $ 2,000 to thousands of dollars per day.
The app comes to Britain in the beginning of this year after getting the United States. Due to the widespread popularity, the number of quiz shows has risen from millions to quota. Recently, they appeared with the biggest jackpot of all time. They said they had shared $ 300,000 among 83 winners. Based on the correct answer on 12 questions of the quiz on the basis of the right answer, this fat amount is given on the basis of the award.
Not only that, the Rock-renowned wrestler and actor Dwayne Johnson, as guest presenter of the Jackpot Show, was also present. The video sharing app Vine co-founder Colin Crowe and Russian Yusupov created this application. A user named Scott Mecke, in October last year, there was no day since the app was downloaded that he did not enter it. So far he has demanded to earn 12,300 dollars. Apart from the money, HQ Trivia also offers several interesting awards