At the end of each year various studies are summarized. Including, google search. What is the location of the search query: bitcoin and bitcoin? What are the requests related to cryptocurrency included in the TOP-10?
The most popular request was Bitcoin. It is introduced in conjunction with the phrase: "What is ...". At the same time, the query "How to buy bitcoin" took only 8th place.
On the fourth line in America and on the 7th place in England was the query: "How to buy a Ripple."
Notice that the query remains in the trend: "Cryptocurrency". True, it has become somewhat less popular than before. At the moment, it was bypassed by another request: "Blockchain".
Thus, as we see, requests for cryptocurrency per se become less popular. In the ranking are growing queries related to Blockchain. At the same time, we understand that the concepts of "blockchain" and "cryptocurrency" have one basis. It is positive that in the TOP-10 we see at least half of the search queries that concern cryptocurrency and blockchain.
Posted by: @nowostnyk
Editor chief: @jurgan
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Hi @jurgan. This is an interesting insight. Probably marketing messages will be focused on "blockchain".
I think that the blockchain will receive a decent development