As animated as Alex Jones can get, and sure he says some crazy shit, the fact is he should have the right to say it. If no one can question authority, question the message, etc. then we all lose. Some people will get their panties unhinged over things he (or others) might say - to them, they should get over it. They have the same right to voice their position. Then we have, what we call in the real world, a "conversation". If you choose to get violent over that, then that is another thing. But mature people should have the right to have a conversation, and no entity should be able to take away that right.
What I'm more concerned about is that I hear a lot of "the government is taking away my rights", but in this case we have to realize that the trap people have fallen into is that these big tech giants are basically "quasi-govt" bodies now. They are utility companies that if they switch off your flow of information (in or out), then it is like someone switching off your Internet. Sure, you can get around it, but controlling the distribution of information is as powerful as controlling the message itself. We have to realize that if you boycott them, you will lose because they control how we think (search engines), how we navigate (maps), how we telephone each other (mobile phones), how we message, and how we keep in touch with family, etc. not to mention the many other areas that they impact in our lives. We've all drunk the Kool Aid here, and Alex Jones is simply the canary in the coal mine of what happens when you upset the status quo. The ability to have your distribution shut down is the same level of control that emerging bands in Hollywood have when trying to get a record deal, etc. They might be the best musicians in the world, but if no one can hear them, they don't exist.