A few months ago, there was a war between North and South Korea. But the figure on Friday was different. The two leaders of the two countries attended the historic conference. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met with South Korean President Mon Jean in Peace House, the border village of Panamunj, on the border of the two countries. They agreed on converting the continuation of a war of liberation from the Korean War in 1953. The pictures are Friday.
A guard of honor is given to two heads of state in Panamunj, a border village in Korea
The two heads of state are exchanging documents
Kim Jong-un and Moon Jay-in are holding hands in hand
Drinks both hands
Kim Jong-un with his wife Re Sole Zoo and Moon Je-in with his wife Kim Jong
The leaders of the two countries inaugurated a plaque at village Panamunjam.
South Korea's Cylals are praying that intercontinental talks are successful