Foreign Policy criticized what she described as the weakness of US President Donald Trump and is clearly reflected in the relative nature and efficiency of senior officials such as Chief of Staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary James Matisse, National Security Adviser HR McMaster, Secretary of State Rex Tilerson and CIA Director Mike Pompeo Chief of Staff Jo Danford and United Nations Ambassador Neki Heili.
The American magazine wondered how many times the American people had heard, since January 20, the hope that the collective experience and skill of these leaders could keep the state ship sailing in a correct course while President Trump's shortcomings were being alleviated?
"What America needed was a president who spoke with moral frankness condemning racism and white sovereignty and promoting national unity by embracing our best historical ideals and traditions"
She noted the importance of a strong presidency, and felt that the North Korean crises and the internal protests in Charlottesville, Virginia required exceptional leadership that no one else could meet other than the president himself, but President Trump failed.
Clear failure:
In the case of the Korean crisis, the president's failure was clear in playing the key role of the top leader - formulating and leading America's strategy on North Korea and supporting his government to implement it - and instead of using his presidential platform to define and implement that strategy he distorted it and undermined it with his childish arrogance. Thus completely blocking the good efforts of its senior officials to implement their own policy tracks.
The Saturday's horrific Saturday events in Charlottesville also revealed the other presidential failure of the week. She said what America needed was a president who spoke with moral frankness condemning racism and white sovereignty and promoting national unity by embracing our best historical ideals and traditions.
Instead, he was engaged in calculated equanimity and distanced himself from denouncing those white racists who began the crisis and who considered them their political base. This delayed and hesitant response would only deepen the divisions of the nation.
The magazine concluded that last week was a reminder that the presidency remains a position of unique importance and that mood, personality and convictions are important for the president, as is the case for special cases and the selection of employees, and on this basis President Trump failed in both tests.
Source: Foreign Policy
I love trump! he is so good i hope he takes care of NK
Thank you for posting.