Banda Aceh - Deputy Regent of Aceh Besar who is also the leader of Dayah Ruhul Fatayat Sileumum, H. Husaini A. Wahab or familiarly called Waled Husaini, said that the origin of Islamic law is upright, Aceh does not need investors.
This was conveyed by him when filling in the study of the Journalists' Care for Islamic Sharia (KWPSI) in Rumoh Aceh Kupi Luwak, Jeulingke, Wednesday (12/09/2018) night. This recitation moderated by Mujiburrijal raised the theme of Purity of the Shari'a on the Earth of Aceh.
Aceh is able to stand on its own without the need for investors from Islamic law to stand up, Allah who will help if we want to obey all the orders and leave His prohibition, Acehnese have never been hungry since they run the Shari'a of God sincerely and sincerely.
Allah's Shari'a will not fall on this earth even though many pagans and hypocrites want to drop it. But now how is our role in defending this Shari'a in accordance with our ability, to get God's help and help in the world and the hereafter, he said, as written in the KWPSI release received by aceHTrend, Thursday night (13/9/3018).
He continued, every Muslim as a servant of Allah is truly someone who in his life always tries to harmonize his attitudes, behaviors and mindset with the rules of guidance set by Allah and His Messenger.
Submitting and obeying all the rules of law in Islamic Shari'a that have been ordered by Allah is something that there should be no bargaining.
With all these provisions, the rule of law of God must be above all, and the law of God must not be defeated by the rules of human law on the grounds of freedom and human rights, because God's right remains the most important.
Source: Aceh Trend
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