First Trump inauguration " Blac Bloc" anarchist sentenced to prison

in #news8 years ago

Antifa deserve everything they get coming to them. The destruction they've caused and all.

A federal judge sentenced one of the 234 people arrested during rioting in Washington, D.C. on Inauguration Day to prison. The defendant admitted he joined with 200 others to form a “Black Bloc” wearing black, gloves, scarves, ski masks, gas masks, and goggles to conceal their identities. He also carried a black flag, a hammer, and a gas mask. He is the first to be sentenced in connection with the riots.

These Soros hired criminals are nothing more than ANTI American haters who think they are fighting for freedom and have no idea what any of it even means.

We can be sure Soros won't bail them out of this mess, they will be left their to rot. Let's see how much freedom they will realize they did have now that it's all been stripped from them and possibly for a long, long time.

That freedom to burn down buildings, the freedom to throw rocks through windows during their riots, punching women in the face . Yep the losers will realize what they've lost.

Poor babies sitting in a cell only to end up someone's little B***h.