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RE: Fuck me- USA strikes Syria through the air!!!

in #news7 years ago

Holy! This is a very bad moves! Really bad!! Trumph have point of view, he must act before syrian give a big damage. But no one knows what USA GOVERNMENT really wants and the russian! I am sorry for what I say, but they must observe... It is because of the oil in syria!

But I am begging to the US MILITARY GOVERNMENT, save the innoscent people and child victim by the war.

The syrian government is defending their natural resources. The enemy of the Syrian is their rebel people against to the government policy. They must know that. I am working in United Arab Emirates, and a lot of syrian people is here and telling their experience and real story of what is happening there in their place.

Before the SYRIAN COUNTRY is a peaceful country and rich in mining oil. Suddenly, USA GOVERNMENT found out that there is a bunch of oil in syria. Then, that is the beggining @aggroed...


Great observation. I agree with you. I have nothing to say.