The same way you deal with any other issue, by taking responsibility for your own actions, and not contributing to the things you don't want to see.
- Stop eating meat (methane causes "warming" far more than carbon does)
- Stop funding the war machine (#1 polluter on the planet)
- Stop buying things shipped from around the world
- Stop driving
- Stop using electricity from fossil fuels
- Stop buying bottled water
- etc etc.
That said, the whole "climate change" issue has been totally mis-directed to suit the eugenics agenda. Carbon is not the problem (plants require large amounts of carbon in the air to survive); it has simply been made to appear that it is, because then humans are automatically a problem (hence it's okay to get rid of most of the population [per this talk by Bill Gates])
Al Gore looks to make loads of $$ through carbon taxes and anti-carbon hype
Here are a couple great pieces by @corbettreport (the best investigative journalist around) breaking down this fraudulent play for global control:
I do agree on a lot of your points but. Whats going on in Antartica is the game changer. Yes, fossil fuel is a problem. But what do you with a volcano? What does a volcano put out? Just one? How about 110 volcanos? The world is changing. It a living organism. It cleans itself. One day it will clean us off. This global warming crap is all about MONEY. The people of the world have screwed the pouch. I cant say its gone to far. As a people, we do need to get our shit together.We all pollute. Everyone of us have to do there part.It's way to easy to pon it off to someone else.
while i agree to an extent with some of what you said, I will question your summation about climate change. There was a time before Al Gore and Bill Gates and before it became politically expedient to jump on the climate change bandwagon, a time where everyone in europe was on board and the US balked because climate change would hurt business. A time where scientists believed in climate change based on the science. Not because anyone pressured them to. The fact is scientists brought it to the attention of the general public so that politicians were forced to act, but being politicians they needed to find a way to make money out of it, to win votes and barter with business.
Scientists predicted thirty years ago what is happening today with pretty stunning accuracy, except no one would listen. Yeah so maybe there are different reasons than what they originally thought. But the truth is that polar ice caps are melting. The seas are rising, forest fires are increasing, species are going extinct. But heaven forbid we try to control any industry that pollutes and steals natural resources from the public domain for a pittance of the value.
Let's just put it all on the consumer for wanting things that we are brought up believing we need to have. Oh and let's not give the average guy enough education to understand this or time to research the facts between the false news because they are too busy working to think past paying the next bill. The nightmare misdirect isnt climate change. It's greedy politicians and business men who want to force people into believing that climate change is a big lie so that we will go on blindly following the bouncing ball like a bunch of eejits.
Yes we need to change our patterns and thought processes. Yes we need to put a real value on natural resources and reject government authority. But let big business off the hook because "it's all a hoax"? Absolutely not. If I need to take responsibility, so do they. They've gotten a free lunch for way too long.
you might end up not really living your own life fully
Quite the opposite. If you are giving all of your time/energy/money/focus to the things you support and want to see, while withdrawing your time/energy/money/focus from the things you do not support, you are truly living your own life.
Quite a point there realy