4-12-2019 My Daily Posts. 50 Articles.

in #news6 years ago

4-12-2019 My Daily Posts. 50 Articles. To see all posts click on “Continue Reading.” If you like and want to share these articles don’t just hit the share button because it will only post the first article. You must COPY AND PASTE ALL THE ARTICLES for all of them to show up.
I can only lead you to the truth, I can’t make you believe it.

Government and Politics

  1. Assange’s Arrest
    Rule of law does not apply here.
    IMF Deal for Ecuador Paved Way for Assange’s Arrest

    Requiem for the Fourth Estate

    Yes, You Should Fear the Arrest of Julian Assange

    The US Has Julian Assange Arrested On Trumped Up Charges Of Conspiracy

    How You Can Be Certain That the US Charge Against Assange Is Fraudulent

    Why the Assange Arrest Should Scare Reporters

    Ray McGovern - Why Julian Assange is being silenced

    How is what Julian Assange has done with Wikileaks any different than U.S. newspaper coverage of Watergate or the Pentagon Papers?

    After seven years of deceptions about Assange, the US readies for its first media rendition

    Assange Arrested for Exposing U.S. War Crimes

    Julian Assange arrested – the War on Truth rages on!

    Chelsea and Julian are in Jail. History Trembles.

    Unsealed Assange indictment proves Chelsea Manning's imprisonment is 'purely punitive' – legal team

    The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks

    A short message from Julian Assange’s mother to the President of Ecuador

    Here Are The Never-Before-Seen US Government Damage Reports Made In The WikiLeaks Aftermathttp:

    Swedish prosecutors say they WILL look at resuming rape investigation into Julian Assange following his embassy eviction

    CrossTalk: Assange in Custody
    https://news.antiwar.com/2019/04/11/imf-deal-for-ecuador-paved-way-for-assanges-arrest/ https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2019/04/11/requiem-for-the-fourth-estate/ https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/yes-you-should-fear-the-arrest-of-julian-assange/ https://russia-insider.com/en/how-you-can-be-certain-us-charge-against-assange-fraudulent/ri26761 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/assange-arrest-charges-taibbi-821107/ https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-04-11-julian-assange-wikileaks-any-different-than-watergate-or-pentagon-papers.html https://www.redressonline.com/2019/04/after-seven-years-of-deceptions-about-assange-the-us-readies-for-its-first-media-rendition/ https://therealnews.com/stories/assange-arrested-for-exposing-u-s-war-crimes-paul-jay https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/julian-assange-arrested-the-war-on-truth-rages-on/ https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2019/04/chelsea-and-julian-are-in-jail-history-trembles/ https://www.rt.com/usa/456293-manning-demands-release-punitive-assange/ http://themillenniumreport.com/2016/10/the-top-100-most-damaging-wikileaks/ http://thesaker.is/a-short-message-from-julian-assanges-mother-to-the-president-of-ecuador/ http://www.stationgossip.com/2019/04/here-are-never-before-seen-us.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6911449/Lawyer-Assanges-alleged-rape-victim-says-reopen-investigation.html
  2. Benjamin Fulford (April 12 2019) - D0NALD TRUMP AND “B3G ATH0N” PLAN T0 A$IA
  3. Trump Admin Revokes ICC Prosecutor's Visa Over Probe of Potential US War Crimes in Afghanistan
  4. Who is behind the coup in Sudan? What’s in common between Bashir, Gaddafi and Saleh?
  5. NY Democrats block college tuition aid for Gold Star families — but approve $27 million in aid for illegal immigrants
  6. James Comey: “I don’t know what Barr is talking about…I’ve never thought of electronic surveillance as spying”
  7. Guess who killed our freedom of speech?
  8. California issued fake IDs to 3 million “residents”
  9. Bad News Civil Liberties Is Actually Rare In Recorded History
  10. PROOF Donald Trump is owned and controlled by the Rothschilds
  11. Why Trump Is A Rothschild Tool
  12. How Rothschild Inc. Saved Donald Trump

War and Military

  1. The Pentagon’s Bottomless Money Pit
  2. Syrian War Report – Apr.12, 2019: Turkey Aims To Seize Tell Rifaat After Russian Forces Withdrawal
  3. Democrats Pushing us to War?


  1. Wikipedia: Supporting the dark side of medicine

Police State

  1. Michigan government to create “thought criminal” database to flag those who contradict all official lies

Media, propaganda and censorship

  1. American values: Embassies are for chopping up journalists, not protecting them
  2. YouTube is removing all videos discussing Julian Assange’s arrest.

Money, Your Economy.

  1. The Fed Admits the Economy Is WEAK and Desperate To Keep Market From COLLAPSE
  2. How Central Banks Are Propping Up Stock Prices
  3. What Went Wrong With Pensions — And Why The Whole World Should Be Worried
  4. IMF warns recent volatility spikes could be ‘tip of the iceberg’
  5. The Truth About Unemployment Rate Statistics

Education system

  1. Students At Top Evangelical School Reject Pence As Speaker

Weather and Geoengineering

  1. You cannot have an honest discussion about "Climate Change" without including all the "Geoengineering Programs" world wide by many nations. To learn more go to - https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
  2. Fatal Flaw In Climate Change Science

Israeli / Palestrina

  1. Madonna Plays Apartheid

Other articles

  1. If you are serious about opening your mind and learning new things and get away from propaganda websites, go to this website daily http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/#axzz5FhVGiKah Mike Rivero is very knowledgeable. If you have the time listen to his daily show go to - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CtXVx2Q-tpb9pr24SQbwA
  2. Coincidence or Conspiracy
  3. The Day America Died
  4. Abortion clinic workers respond to 'Unplanned' movie — and they want out of the industry
  5. Workers find 27 possible human GRAVES at notorious Florida reform school for boys where children were 'locked in chains, beaten and sexually abused' - taking potential number of burials at the site to more than EIGHTY