Reservists in the Southern,Central and Western Military Districts are being called up, and trucks from the civilian sector are being transferred into military service as per the mobilisation plans
As well, workers in militarily vital industries in southern Russia are conscripted into the Ministry of Defence - they can no longer quit or transfer without military approval for the duration of the alert.The ministries and the Bank of Russia being checked for readiness to work in wartime
There will also be carried out conscription of citizens from the reserve supply of automotive technology and the formation of military units of territorial defense in the Southern, Central Military District and the Northern Fleet. Field offices of Bank of Russia for the first time will take the financial security troops apart from the permanent dislocation points. In addition, a number of enterprises of the military-industrial complex in southern Russia will test the willingness to carry out tasks for the supply and repair of weapons, military and special equipment.
Warmongering US and their allies for last 10 years poking the Bear , let's all hope that Bear will not go mad
Time for a change in foreign relations. Even Brzezinski calling for it.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has allegedly said that "negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, craps on the board, then struts around like it won the game."
Problem is that just few people are callin the shots . I think that Obama can't remember all that they are ordering to do , so he got a problems when negotiating . Even better , they should introduce new negotiating practice like it was in 13 century , King vs King , one on one baby . Imagine Putin whopin Obamas ass , wipe the floor wit that morron
Some hilites
Hahah , that right , fuck'em up with a billy club