Marijuana Now Legal in Canada!

in #news6 years ago (edited)

IMG_20150928_131532[1].jpg( A picture of one of my plants from a few years back, unknown indica genetics )

The day has finally come in Canada where smokers of cannabis will no longer be frowned upon as criminals for medicating themselves with a naturally sourced herb. As an avid pot user for over the past decade and a half a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders knowing that I can now walk down the street with a joint in my pocket and not have to worry about the local police bullying or incarcerating me for my habit.

Truly a wonderful day!

( Another one of my plants from a grow a few years back, unknown indica genetics )

The End of Pot Prohibition

Marijuana was legal in Canada the early 1900's I believe but was then criminalized around the 1920's... But as of today (October 17th, 2018) it is now legal to possess and smoke marijuana in Canada once again. While in most provinces you can't just walk around willy-nilly smoking dope in public places without harsh fines the very fact that it's now legal to possess this miraculous plant for personal medical or recreational use without fear of lengthy jail sentences or a criminal record is nothing short of amazing.

Our prime minister Trudeau is a fucking gong show.. But at least he managed to pull this one off and for that I tip my hat to the man, even if I feel he's a disgrace of a country leader otherwise.

IMG_20150708_062936[1].jpg( A picture of some young marijuana plants from my 2016 grow )

Implications of Legal Marijuana

With the legalization of pot the country will likely see a huge revenue from taxes and will likely see a boom of industry with a new multi million or billion dollar market being made on top of legalization. I know personally I've been buying pot for years online but look forward to being able to go to a legal local shop in order to try out new varieties to help combat some of the physical and mental health issues I face on a day to day basis.

While Marijuana may not be for everyone I know speaking from personal experience many strains such as Jack Herer or OG Kush are amazing medicines for mental well being and pain. Looking forward to see how legalization effects the country and it's people.

Can't imagine the effect will be negative at all, in fact I believe we'll see a drop in crime rates as well as a greater happiness among our citizens!

Light one up, man

( Said in Tommy Chong voice )


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