Taking a small break from catching up on my quotes of the day posts to inform users both young and old of the new policy I'm putting in place to stimulate commenting on my posts.
Making a short post telling folks that as part of the way I operate here on Steemit.com it's often those whom comment on my posts and interact with me that get an upvote. Simply by leaving a comment (of the non-spamtard variety) on any of my posts that has some bearing to the content put fourth generally results in a small upvote.
Reward Those Who Comment!
While a 1% vote for a comment may not seem like a whole lot to some users here, the fact of the matter is many don't even make the $0.080 SBD on their posts let alone on simply comment replies. Given the voting power I do it only seems fair to give reward to those who actually take the time to comment what they feel on my posts.
From here on out (and previously too) I'll be making a conscious effort to reward all those whom comment on my posts.. It may not be a whole hell of a lot... But it's better than a kick in the frozen gonads!
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Commenting is a great way to build community and give a bit of an accolade to content creators beyond the reward system. It adds that human touch.
I applaud your initiative to encouraging more engagement on SteemIt. I also reward those who comment on my posts with a simple upvote.
Thank you for encouraging and your continued support of the SteemIt community.
Have a great week!
Steem on,
I try to do the same (upvote meaningful comments on my blogs). However, I am now wondering if I am being too generous with my upvoting as I typically give 50% upvotes, which have been ranging between 25 - 40 "cents" each. That would probably have to change if I start getting gobs and gobs of comments though. ;)
I'd be throwing cheeseburger meals at people if I voted that crazy...!
Generally like to keep most my voting power for bumping up buddies posts and making sure those I started on here locally are seeing fruits of their efforts.
Yeah, I can see that being a good thing to do. I finally have one real-life friend (local friend) @glenalbrethsen that I have been helping along myself. If I had more local friends on here I would be helping them too with what little power I have. And I do upvote myself because I want to gain more Steem Power and in the future work towards some on-Steem and off-Steem goals. Hopefully that doesn't make me a bad guy in people's eyes. I can say I have been investing my own hard earned money for a long time so just trying to get a good return through participating in the platform.
Commenting has made a big improvement on my overall rewards, followers, comments on my own posts, and building relationships here. I realize through Steemit, this is how all social media platforms/profiles are built up. You must engage with value and then it will come back to you as people want to continue to interact with you.
Very well said!
Thanks :)
I think this is great and it is something that more people should make note of. Commenting is a great way to encourage better content being created and extending the life of that content via great conversation.
Thanks for your thoughts and doing what you can to grow the community.
This is a good policy. Real comments seem few and far between some days. I try to reward people who engage with me in this way too. A bit of feedback goes a long way. Thanks for all the great quotes today. I have been reading them and trying to stay off CoinmarketCap 😵
Will be more coming. Catching up. Glad to hear someone is digging them.
Wait....you don't like interacting with bots who spam post in languages you don't recognize?
soul of the writers feel prosperous when readers UPVOTE and comment the post. Relevant comments are the key to any conversation
Thank you. I do try to follow comments and replies but this is a good reminder that people do like input/notice. Some are here for the money and some are here to be heard and some are just here:) and votes DO count for any of that.
The steemit comment section has changed many ways of communicating
And to help it all the flag button was dropped and it made everyone to be watchful, mindful and drop responsible comments.
Nice to see you interested in rewarding comments ; -)
As a matter of fact the importance of commenting can't just be overemphasized. Being a noob on Steemit, commenting on posts has been an effective way of meeting people and by God there are interesting people on this platform. All who we could never really get to know if all we exchange are just upvotes and such. Good pace you are setting sir
It's certainly the preferred way to get to know the ever growing populous here.
i am sure you will get more upvotes and comments and you will make more dollars in near future..😊😊😊
It's not about the dollars for me.. It's about being well established and secure so I can incubate others.
I completely agree @klye... I made a commitment to spend at least 30-45 minutes each night reading and commenting. I've built my follower base and slowly increasing post rewards as such. Great post, following you!
It does take time and work for sure. Glad to hear you are gaining traction.
Interacting/connecting is defiantly where it's at on steemit.
I've noticed a few people I follow do the same (upvote meaningful/non-spam comments), and I'm trying to do the same now too. We all need each other, as a publisher you need the views/upvotes, as a human it's nice the feel the love from upvotes, and as a viewer it's nice to feel appreciated by the people you're following and voting for.
Certainly is a gratification knowing someone upvoted you.
I wish every author took the time to read and interact with commenters.
How to vote for witness please? I think I have voted only 2 witnesses and I forgot how to do it. Followed you and will be happy to vote you as witness.
Go to https://steemit.com/~witnesses and vote who you like!
Voted as witness 👍
1% adds up a great deal over the course of many posts. 10 posts $0.80 which actully coverts into SBD and Steem at a much higher dollar value.
Interaction with your readers has been amazing if they know you vote on their comments they will keep coming back for more and voting up your stuff and sharing it. Awesome way to give back to the valued community here and hey not everyone is a blog writer!
I'm no blogger.. Simply a weirdo Canadian that utilizes Steemit as a means of spreading my infectious brand of debauchery, artwork and being.. So far it's working.. :D
I agreevthat interaction is the key to success. Ive a policy of constructively commenting on at least 20 posts a day. It encourages the person who posts more than yielding a small reward for me.
Cool $)) Interesting idea!!!
Klye, I will talk to you for free. Don't pay me for interacting with one of my favorite witnesses. I still owe you a beer opener.
I was checking the mail daily for that thing! lol
Baby came out in my hands and I have been side tracked a little.
I really appreciate your efforts.
Can you imagine a kick to frozen gonads? Talk about a shattering experience 😉
Bahahaha. Shattering to say the least.
AMEN. I have a strong belief that we all should be upvoting and encouraging commenting. and it's a perfect example for new users to realize how they can earn more steem by comments than posting in the beginning.
I’ve always said in my vlogs to people that interaction is key , it alctuallt shows how we engage in posts
Yep. Anyone can post stuff.. But unless they actually give a damn about how it's being consumed by the reader it's apparent they are just doing tricks for cake.
Love the new policy I wish more of Steemit would try and create more comment engagement. It’s something I try and do in my own comment section as I am a very big fan of comments when I'm not ignoring them for other's peoples comment lols.
In fact I’m not really a big fan of creating blogs. I wish I could just hang out all day in other people’s comment sections! I do spend most of my time so that is usually good enough for me!
Then I usually get reminded by someone its been a couple days since my last blog so I got go find something to keep a couple people at bay lol.
I wish I had the time to reply to all the comments I get.. I figure the upvote is an ok compromise.
hehe, I think you will get a lot more now :)
Commenting also builds relationships with other people here. While the initial tiny upvote might not be much, by building a relationship, it can open up a ton of proper upvotes that comes from engagement. A lot of newbies overlook this fact.
You are indeed correct..! Far more inclined to take time out of my day to comment or upvote people that I see have taken time out of theirs to do the same for me.
Very true indeed. As a noob, I almost fell into that category that thought all that mattered were blog posts and upvoting potentially popular posts. Thankfully I had a wealth of help and advice that got me to see that gaining from interactions while it might take a while, would eventually be the source of more lasting benefits. As @ogochukwu always says "the humans on Steemit are more important than steem"
I’m just here for the upvotes.
Trying to become rich.
Being rich is relative. You can have all the money in the world and still be god awful miserable..!
Be happy, the rest falls into place when you're at your finest in psyche.
Becoming rich is relatively hard without pity upvotes amirite?
Hope all is well Moose brother.
I always found humorous posts with crudely drawn MS-paint balls on it worked better than the pity angle but each to his own.
I don’t have those 1337 Mspaint skills though.
Neitehr do I.
Bullshit. All hail the king. Your content is dope. You always sell yourself short.
I suffer from the same internal struggle. It’s a blessing and a curse.
The voice that holds you back is the same one that helps you strive for something better than mediocrity.
Well I, for one, have been a recipient of your vote on comments awhile back when you showed off one of your new rings! While I do not have frozen gonads, my dad often put it forth as 'it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick' lol. Same meaning, I think!
Hahahah. I like that sharp stick quote. Thanks for sharing.
lol feel free to use it
Amen Brotha, Although I attempt to have relevant comments 100% of the time (it seems illogical not to), I will jot down a mental note to interact with your posts. To anyone else reading this, I always do the same for commenters on my work <3 . Keep Calm and Steem On.
My name has a spelling mistake.
now i know . thanks for this article :)
I just had to resteem this kyle :) To me it is very important that people leave me comments on my posts .. it is what has helped me to grow on steemit. I still suck at writing my blogs .. I have been trying to condense my blogs down with better information instead of writing a huge book. When people comment, it is reassurance to me that hey, maybe I did something right or wrong on this one :) Also, when someone does comment, its just as important for the other person to reply back :) Have a GREAT day Friend and welcome back to interaction time!!!! SUNSHINE247
Post is worth mention for an upvote. My problem is still it is beyond my reach about this upvote percentage etc.. Hope one day i could catch it properly..
Want $$$ instead of $BD?
It's far better than regular interactions AND you get more money, faster.
Or then be a wuss and stay on Steemit writing comments. Just like I'm a wuss..
Good on you. You've got a follow from me! Cheers!