wel i hope you will not be to sick afterworths and that the treatment may help you fast , big up to you ;)
Thanks. I’ve not been sick yet....this I know will not last but l’m not complaining!
glad to hear that you where'nt sick , I send you al lot of positive vibes and hope this will be over as soon as possible
Thank you for thinking of me, I will be glad when this is over, keeping positive
maybe something that can take away the sorrows heres a blogpost of me :
and how are you keeping it up today ? greets ,Benji
I’ve been tired and the actual cancer itself has been painful the past couple of days. Nothing I can’t cope with but it keeps me focused for wanting the treatment to continue so the pain will go away!
Hope you'll be fine ...
You can smile I'm sure you can handle it...
Thanks. Yes it’s curable with positive outcomes generally. At the moment the odds are stacked in my favour, just hope it’s stays that way! Smiling is much easier than frowning!
you're right...
Something to smile about: however sick you get, the cancer cells will feel even sicker.
Ha yes very true!
Good luck man!
Thank you
Keep it up, man!
Thanks I will try!
I'm glad you caught it in time it is really good to see you with such a great attitude about what you are going through stay strong. I wish you all the best on the road ahead.
Thank you. I had no symptoms so the MRI scan was just a lucky coincidence to find it. The staging of lymphoma’s is less significant than say something like lung, breast or bowel cancers. I’ve got stage 4 so probably had it for a year! But the odds are good so spirits are up!